
12 Signs And Symptoms Of Rat Poisoning In Cats

Cats are animals that are full of curiosity and have predatory instincts. Because of its curiosity and wild nature, it is not uncommon for this one animal to eat and lick just about anything when outside the house. He will lick any object or eat poisoned animals.


Signs And Symptoms Of Rat Poisoning In Cats


One of the animals that cats often eat or bring home as gifts for their masters are mice. It doesn't matter if the mice they carry are ordinary mice and the liquid they lick is harmless. What if the cat brings a mouse that has been poisoned by someone else and what if the cat accidentally licks the rat poison.

It's possible that our cat is poisoned too, even if he only bites the mouse's body a little or licks a little of the liquid. Of course we don't want this to happen. And we dont want our cat die because rat poison.


12 Signs Of Cat Poisoning Rat Poison

If our cat has already eaten a poisoned mouse or licked a poisoned liquid, what should we do? All we have to do is determine whether the cat is really poisoned by rat poison. Look at the following signs to determine if your cat is really poisoned by rat poison or not.

  • Experiencing diarrhea and vomiting

  • The cat looks limp

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • No appetite

  • Foaming mouth

  • Gums turn pale

  • Convulsions

  • Pupils Look Enlarged

  • Cough

  • Drink often

  • Black urine

  • Shivering


The easiest signs to see when a cat is poisoned by rat poison are foaming at the mouth, loss of appetite and shortness of breath.


How To Overcome A Cat Poisoned By Rat Poison ?

When you feel that your cat has actually been poisoned by rat poison, take the following steps.

1. Clean Cat's Mouth

The first thing that must be done is to clean the mouth from foam. Cleaning the cat's mouth also aims to clean the remaining toxins that stick to the cat's mouth area. With a clean cat's mouth, we don't have to worry anymore when the poisoned cat's condition gets worse due to accidentally licking back the rat poison that is still attached to the area around his mouth.


2. Keep Cats From Other Cats

If one cat is poisoned, you should keep the other cat away from the cat. Because cats themselves have a habit of licking the fur of other cats. It is feared that if there is still poison attached to the cat's fur, then another cat licks it, the other cat will also be poisoned. So it's best to keep other cats away from cats that are being poisoned.


3. Bathe The Cat

Bathe the cat with cat shampoo to cleanse the cat's entire body of the remaining rat poison. This is to prevent the cat from licking the fur that has been exposed to rat poison. Clean the cat's body until clean then rinse with clean water and dry the body immediately so as not to aggravate the condition.


4. Tilt The Cat's Body

A cat who is unconscious due to rat poison, it is better for his body to be laid to the right and then his head is slightly pulled back a little. This position will open the respiratory tract and make the tongue do not block mouth breathing.


5. Make The Cat Vomit Poison

So that the cat can vomit the poison that has been ingested then we can use drugs that contain hydrogen peroxide. Use a syringe and spoon to put hydrogen peroxide into the cat's mouth. The dose of peroxide used is 3% or 5 milliliter spoons per 2.27 kg of cat's body weight.


6. Call The Doctor

After doing the 5 steps above but you feel that the condition of the poisoned cat does not improve immediately, then contact the doctor for help. The doctor may give advice regarding the first aid that can be given so that the cat's condition is better or at least able to last a long time until the cat arrives at the vet's office for treatment.


How To Overcome A Cat Poisoned By Rat Poison Naturally

If the condition of the cat affected by rat poison has begun to improve, then you can give some of the natural ingredients below to help heal the cat affected by rat poison.

Coconut Water

Young coconuts are often given to humans who are poisoned. Beside can given to humans, it turns out that young coconuts can also be given to cats as a medicine for poisoning. Give coconut water to the cat using a syring.

Give the cat coconut water every 1 hour if the cat's condition is rather severe. But if the condition is not too severe, we can give the cat young coconut water every 2 hours or every 3 hours.



Honey is believed to neutralize toxins in the cat's body. How to give honey to cats is quite easy, you just need to use the same method as giving young coconut water. Usually give it by using a special cat syring.


How To Avoid Cat Rat Poison Poison?

In order for cats to avoid being poisoned by rat poison, you can anticipate by following some of the ways below:

Don't Carelessly Put Rat Poison

Try not to just put rat poison in random places. This also applies to other hazardous chemicals. Arrange the placement of the item in the right place.


Place Rat Poison In Places That Are Hard For Cats To Reach

Putting rat poison in the bottom cupboard, warehouse or in a box can make the cat nudge or play with the rat poison bottle. As a result, the poison will spill and hit the cat's fur. A cat that licks its body will then be poisoned.

So make sure as much as possible to put the rat poison in a place that is safe and difficult for cats to reach.


Supervise Cats When Playing Outdoors

When playing outside the cat often bites or eats just about anything. Therefore it is important for us to supervise cats when playing outside the house.


Confine The Cat At Home Or Cage When Not At Home

When you are at work or traveling, keep your cat in the house or cage. Because when you're not at home, you won't be able to keep an eye on your cat and forbid it from eating and touching things.


Keep Your Cat Away From Bad Neighbors

Sometimes the cause of cat poisoning is not only from accident such as the cat eats or licks something carelessly. But it can also come from our own neighbors. Neighbors who really hate cats can poison our pet cats ( personal experience ).

When you feel that your neighbor hates cats and likes to chase animals away in a rude way. Keep the cat away from him. Because it's not only poisoned, it could be that your cat is beaten or kicked until his body hurts.

Thus the discussion of the signs of cat poisoning with rats and how to handle them. If you find this article useful, you can share it with your relatives or social media accounts.

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