
6 Ways To Make Cats Not Pooping And Pee In Litter Box

As cat lovers, we often face the problem of cat defecating or urinating carelessly. Not infrequently our newly adopted cat carelessly throws its feces where it wants.


Cats Not Pooping And Pee In Litter Box


Not only cats that have just been adopted, our cats that we have taken care for a long time can also pooping and pee carelessly.


Why Do Cats Pooping And Pee Carelessly ?

Many things can be the reason why our cats prefer to Pooping and pee in any place. According to Angora, some of the main reasons why cats pooping or pee carelessly are :

1. Cat Is Sick

Cats who are sick with diarrhea or have digestive problems will usually tend to pooping or pee carelessly. This is because they are unable to hold their feces or urine before they reach the litter box or place to pooping and pee.


2. Stress Or Anxiety

Changes in behavior and attitudes due to cats experiencing stress and anxiety can make cats become defecating and urinating carelessly. Your cat, who used to throw urine or feces in the right place, will now start carelessly due to stress or anxiety.


3. The Place Smells

If the cat thinks somewhere in the house has a bad smell like garbage. Their natural instinct will think that location is a suitable place to dispose of their urine or poop.


4. Don't Know The Right Place

When a cat is first adopted, it will need time and help to adapt and learn new things. Like where he can sleep, where he can play, and where he can pooping and pee. It is important for us to be patient and teach him the right things.


5. Not Taught The Right Things

Cats pooping and pee carelessly are not entirely their fault. Sometimes the fault lies with us. When we see a cat doing something wrong instead of teaching him the right thing, we scold him or even throw him away. When a cat is about to make a mistake, try to teach it the right thing.


How To Make Cats Not Pooping And Pee Carelessly ?

We certainly want our cats not to be arbitrary in terms of defecating. Some of the following ways you can do so that your cat does not defecate carelessly and gets used to defecating in the right place. Here are some ways so that cats no longer defecate and urinate carelessly.


1. Provide A Litter Box ( Sand Box )

With the litter box, usually the cat will not pooping carelessly. The cat will start to pooping and pee in the litter box. Clean the litter box every day so that the room does not smell too bad and to prevent us and the cat from diseases such as toxoplasma and various other diseases.


2. Pick Up The Cat That Is Going To Pee

When your cat is about to pooping carelessly, take the cat to the litter box as soon as possible. Do this every day and over and over again. Do it continuously until the cat understands that the litter box is the right place to pooping and pee.


3. Clean The Location That Have Bad Smelly

Try breathing in the smell of air in places where cats like to pooping or pee carelessly. If you think the room is dirty and smelly, clean the room until it's clean and spray perfume to remove odors and make the room fresh.


4. Overcome Cat Stress Or Anxiety

As Angora explained above, cats who experience stress and anxiety will cause their behavior and attitudes to change. This will make the cat poop and pee carelessly. Immediately overcome this stress and anxiety.


5. Treat Cat Disease

Sick cats will usually pee carelessly. Diseases such as diarrhea and other digestive disorders may be the main cause. Treat the cat with the right medicine, it is recommended to take the cat to the vet.


6. Put The Sandbox In The Right Place

Put the litter box in a place that is close and can be reached by the cat. For example, placed in one room or in a cat cage, placed close to where the cat scratched or other strategic places. The correct placement of the litter box will prevent the cat from defecating or urinating carelessly.


Does The Above Method Work ?

Maybe some of you are wondering whether the above method really works in dealing with cats who like to pooping carelessly ? The answer is yes, the above method will definitely work in dealing with cats who like to pooping carelessly.

As long as the above method is done correctly and we are patient in doing it. The success rate is around 80%. This percentage of success is based on my own experience of having experienced the same problem over and over again.


I Have Tried The Method Above But It Doesn't Work, Why Is Like That ?

Ask yourself how long have you tried the above method ? If it's just a week then maybe it's not too long in my opinion. I myself need about 2 weeks more so that the cat does not pooping carelessly.

I need to do method number 3 continuously for more than 2 weeks until the cat is smart and doesn't pooping carelessly anymore. I do this because my cat is not sick and stressed and I have provided a litter box, put it in the right place I think.

Not only that, the whole room also doesn't smell bad and dirty. But it took me 2 weeks for my cat to understand and get used to defecating and urinating in the litter box.

Maybe that's the only way to keep cats from pooping and urinating carelessly. If you find this article useful, you can share it with your relatives or social media.

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