
8 Cause Cat Sleeping A Lot And Not Eating

Have you ever had your cat that was active suddenly became lazy & the cat sleeps all the time. Not only that, your cat will also become lazy to eat. Does he have a disease ?


Cause Cat Sleeping A Lot And Not Eating


Not necessarily. There are many reasons that cause cats to sleep all the time and don't want to eat. The causes can range from something that you don't need to worry about to something serious that you need to be aware of. 

As an owner, of course, we are very aware of changes in the attitudes and behavior of our pets, especially our cat's sleeping activities. And when our cat behaves strangely like sleeping often and doesn't want to eat, we need to detect early whether our cat needs to be referred to the vet or not.

For that, here Anggora will share information about what things cause cats to sleep constantly and don't want to eat. Here's the explanation.


8 Cause Cat Sleeping A Lot And Not Eating

Here are some reasons why cats sleep often and are lazy to eat:

1. Bored

Not only humans but this one animal can also feel boredom and stress. When a cat is left alone by its owner, the cat will feel bored when he doesn't know what else to do and usually a solitary cat will spend his time sleeping.

If the cat sleeps too often this will certainly not be good for his health. To avoid this, you should give your cat a toy for the cat when he will be left alone in the house. Or give him another cat companion.

If your cat is male then you should give him a female cat friend, and vice versa. The reason I recommend friends of a different gender (gender) is because if they are the same gender, when they grow up they will often fight if they are the same gender. This is based on my experience. For my advice, you can follow it or just ignore it if it doesn't suit your heart.

If you're the type of person who is busy, make sure to sterilize it so you don't have to worry about taking care of it later and feeding it if your cat has a lot of children.


2. Depression

When cats experience stress or depression, they tend to be more likely to sleep and be lazy to eat. This is also marked by a change in his behavior and he often avoids us. If your cat is depressed, you should take it to the vet so that it can be treated properly.


3. Weather Effect

When the weather turns cold, the cat becomes lazy to move and sleeps more often. This does not only apply to stray cats but also to domestic cats. Due to the influence of decreased light intensity and very cold air temperatures which cause cats to sleep more during the rainy season or winter.


4. Overweight (Obesity)

Another thing that makes cats lazy to eat and sleep more often is because they are overweight or obese. As employers, we should pay more attention to the nutritional intake of our pet cats. Give a cat food that is high in protein and feed it in moderation, not to excess which causes the cat to become too fat.

Also give the cat toys so that he is more active. The reason is a cat that is less mobile can also make the cat exposed to the risk of obesity.


5. Save Energy

Cats are still animals that have predatory instincts even though they have become our pets. They sleep to store energy so they can more actively run, climb, follow and pounce on their enemies.

When cats are hungry they will also fall asleep more often. They do it so that they can save their energy and so that they can wait until their master feeds them. Once when I forgot to feed my pet cat because I was busy at work, I noticed that my cat fell asleep more often.

At first I thought he was sick but I remembered that I forgot to feed him. The next day, my cat, who used to sleep a lot, is now happy and actively moving here and there


6. Age Factor

Older cats usually sleep more often than younger ones. Old cats can spend 17-20 hours sleeping. They do sleep a lot but they still want to eat and are active.

If your aged cat sleeps more often but is lazy to eat and rarely moves, it might be a disease, then you should immediately consult the nearest doctor in your place so that he is immediately given the right treatment.


7. Get sick

Cats who are affected by the disease will be lazy to move and prefer to sleep because he feels his body is not feeling well. Sick cats also tend to be lazy to eat or don't want to eat at all.

Diarrhea, lots of discharge in the eyes, swollen eyes, runny nose, fast cat breathing, black and smelly mouth, frequent vomiting, frequent sleep and refusal to eat are common symptoms that indicate that the cat is suffering from an illness.

This disease can be caused by worms, viruses or bacteria. When a cat is sick, you should immediately take him to the nearest vet so he can be saved and get well soon.


8. Poisoning

Poisoning can also cause our cats to sleep more often and be lazy to eat. The main cause of cat poisoning is when the cat is outside the house he accidentally eats plants and insects. Poisoned cats usually have diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath, gums look pale. But the most important characteristic based on my experience is a cat's mouth watering and over time it becomes black and smelly.

To overcome poisoning, I usually give sterile cow's milk such as bearbrand, coconut water and honey. Give every hour. Use a spet (injection) to make it easier to give it to the cat. But if you have more funds, you should immediately take it to the nearest vet to increase the guarantee of recovery.



When our cat experiences a change in behavior from cheerful to quiet, from active to sleeping more often and from greedy to eating to not wanting to eat, this could be due to several reasons that I have described above.

If it turns out that the cause of the cat sleeping often, especially sleeping in the bathroom, is a disease, it should be immediately taken and treated to the nearest veterinarian so that it can be treated immediately.

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