
8 Cause A Cat Has Diarrhea And Not Eating With Solutions

When our pet cat is weak, cat has diarrhea and not eating, it will make us as owners worry. Seeing the current condition of our cat, of course we will wonder why the cat doesn't want to eat and often has diarrhea during defecation. 


Cause A Cat Has Diarrhea And Not Eating


The problem of a weak cat not wanting to eat and diarrhea is a common thing for most cats. Usually cats become weak due to illness, loss of appetite or due to other problems such as diarrhea.


Some Causes of  Cat Has Diarrhea And Wont Eat

In the case of a limp cat that doesn't want to eat and has diarrhea, it may be caused by the following things:

1. Worms

Cats with worms usually experience weakness, do not want to eat and have diarrhea, eye pain. This often occurs in young kittens or adult cats.This thing also make cat has diarrhea with blood, make cat has diarrhea and is always hungry,  make cat has diarrhea but good appetite and cat has diarrhea but seems fine.

To overcome this, it is enough to give a special cat worm medicine to cats who have diarrhea.


2. Parasites

Another cause of limp cats not wanting to eat and having diarrhea in cats besides worms is the presence of viruses or bacteria that attack the digestive tract in the small intestine and large intestine. This generally occurs in young cats.

Give a special deworming medicine for cats which also has the property to kill internal parasites in the cat's body.


3. Infection

A limp cat doesn't want to eat and diarrhea can also be caused by an infection in the cat's digestive tract. As a result, the cat becomes lazy to eat, weak and has diarrhea. You can give medicine for diarrhea or a special digestive infection for cats to treat it.


4. Types Of Food

Milk, chocolate, raw fish, grass and several other types of food can cause a weak cat to refuse to eat and have diarrhea due to the incompatibility of these foods with their digestion. You should choose well the type of food you will give your cat.

Don't just carelessly give your cat food just because he likes it. For the grass itself is not harmful to cats, it is actually good for their health. Because cats usually eat grass to vomit hairball and improve their digestion. Giving good food to cats can avoid problems in their digestive tract.


5. Stress

In addition to humans, it turns out that cats can also experience stress. Stressed cats may develop lower bowel irritation or colitis. This pain will make the cat refuse to eat and can also cause diarrhea. Take the cats to play or let them play outside to relieve their stress.


6. Medicine

Some drugs and even antibiotics can cause digestive tract disorders that cause diarrhea in cats. As a result the cat is weak and to not wanting to eat. Consult a doctor first before giving the cat medication or antibiotics.


7. Constipation

Another factor that causes a weak cat not wanting to eat and having diarrhea is constipation. Constipation usually occurs in older cats, but it is not uncommon for young cats to experience it. Cats who are constipated usually have very liquid feces. Use a special cat constipation medication to deal with it.


8. Milk

Giving human milk to cats can also cause cat diarrhea. The lactose content in human milk is not suitable for the cat's digestive organs, as a result the cat will experience digestive problems such as diarrhea and so on.

Avoid giving human milk to cats. If you want to give a cat milk, you should consider giving a special cat milk cat that you can find or buy at the nearest pet shop.


Visit A Doctor For The Right Treatment

The information above is just information to add to our insight as a good owners of cat. As ownerrs, of course, we will find it difficult to distinguish which causes are causing a weak cat to refuse to eat and have diarrhea.

Therefore, if a cat's problem occurs, you should immediately check with the nearest doctor to get the right treatment for the health of our beloved pet. Thus the article cat has diarrhea and not eating, Causes and Solutions. May be useful.

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