Why Are Cats Suddenly Aggressive ?
Even though cats are friendly animals sometimes cats can turn out to be very aggressive. When a cat is aggressive, the cat will not hesitate to scratch or bite our hands. Cats also won't be happy to be approached let alone touched by us. They would prefer to stay away and be alone.
When a cat turns aggressive, of course we as owners will be surprised and curious about why the cat suddenly becomes aggressive. Actually, what makes a cat experience a change in behavior to become aggressive ?
Let's find out the answer by reading Anggora's writing below.
Why Are Cats Suddenly Aggressive ?
Cats are popular pets around the world, known for their unique personalities and positive interactions with humans. However, sometimes cat owners may encounter situations where their cat suddenly exhibits unusually aggressive behavior
Aggression in cats can be a challenging and confusing issue, but understanding its causes is an important step in dealing with this behavior.
Causes of Aggression in Cats
There are several reasons why cats are aggressive :
1. Stress Or Discomfort
Not only humans can experience stress, cats can also experience it, it's just that cats can't express it by talking. Similar to humans, when cats are stressed, cats will tend to get emotional easily and prefer to be alone.
Cats also won't hesitate to act aggressively if they want to. Usually stress in cats can heal by itself when he is able to overcome the cause of the stress.
2. Lack Of Socialization
Cats that are not used to human or other animal interaction are more likely to feel threatened and may display aggression as a form of self-protection.
3. Territoriality
Cats are naturally territorial animals. The presence of other cats in their territory or even a change in the arrangement of furniture in the house can trigger aggressive.
4. Illness Or Poor Health
Apart from the several causes above, disease is also one of the main causes that most often changes cat behavior to become aggressive. However, this cat's aggressiveness only applies in certain areas where there is a disease.
For example, if there is a disease in the cat's stomach that makes it painful when touched, the cat will react spontaneously to scratch or bite your hand and then move away from you.
5. Hormonal Disorders
In cats that have not been spayed or castrated, fluctuations in hormones during heat or the presence of another cat in heat can cause aggressive behavior.
Treatment for Aggression in Cats
Below is few treatment for agressive cat :
Consult A Vet. If aggressive behavior persists or worsens, it is important to consult your cat with a veterinarian to ensure that there is no underlying health problem.
Create A Safe Environment. Make sure your cat has a safe and comfortable environment. Provide shelter, toys and special areas where they can feel safe.
Practice Socialization. If your cat has socialization issues, slowly introduce them to humans and other animals. Give positive rewards when they show good behavior.
Sterilization Or Castration. If the problem is related to hormones or sexual behavior, considering sterilization or castration may help reduce aggression.
Behavior Therapy. In more severe cases, consider working with a veterinary behavior specialist to help identify and address the causes of aggressive behavior.
Avoid Stimulation. Avoid situations or stimuli that may trigger aggressive behavior, such as rough play or disturbing the cat while they are sleeping or eating.
Cat aggression is a complex problem and can have many causes. It is important for cat owners to understand that aggression is not a desirable behavior from cats, and that appropriate steps must be taken to address this problem.
With proper care and patience, many cases of aggressive behavior in cats can be successfully resolved or managed. If you have problems with aggressive behavior in your cat, consult your veterinarian or animal behaviorist immediately for the necessary guidance and support.