
Why Cats Act Aggressively ?

Even though cats are not aggressive animals, sometimes cats can also be aggressive towards humans who are nearby. When a cat suddenly behaves aggressively, this is often marked by a cat that likes to meow angrily and also likes to attack humans by scratching or biting them.


Why Cats Act Aggressively


When a cat becomes aggressive, of course we will wonder why. Actually what is the cause of this sudden cat behavior? Curious? Let's find out why by reading Anggora's article below.


Why Cats Act Aggressively ?

Like humans, cats can also act aggressively. Aggression in cats can be a worrying problem for owners, and understanding the root causes of this aggressive behavior is the first step in managing it properly.


1. Natural Instinct

One of the main factors that cause cats to act aggressively is their natural predatory instincts. Despite living with humans for a long time, cats still retain predatory and hunting traits. When they are in a situation that stresses them out or feels threatened, cats can respond with aggressive behavior as a defense mechanism. This is nature's way for cats to protect themselves from potential harm.


2. The Cat Is Pregnant

Changes in a cat's attitude to being aggressive can also occur due to the influence of a cat's pregnancy. A pregnant cat will generally become very territorial so that the cat becomes very sensitive and also very irritable towards the cats that are currently around her.

So when your cat suddenly behaves aggressively, pay attention to whether she is pregnant or not. If the cat is pregnant, then you can conclude that the main cause is the side effect of the cat's pregnancy.


3. Pain Or Discomfort

Cats suffering from pain or discomfort often exhibit aggressive behavior. They may feel vulnerable and sensitive to certain touches or movements that increase their pain. A sick cat may also tend to avoid interaction with its owner and may act more defensive if it feels forced.


5. Territoriality

Cats are naturally very territorial creatures. They tend to be very protective of their territory and everything in it. Cats may act aggressively toward humans or other animals they perceive as a threat to their claimed territory.

Signs of territorial aggression can include scratching, biting, or making threatening sounds.


6. Cats Needs Are Not Being Fulfilled

Needs that are not met can also lead to aggressive behavior in the beloved pet cats that we care for. An example is when a cat who is in heat is not mated with another cat. This will make the cat angry and don't want to be touched by humans at all and when a cat feels disturbed, the cat will not hesitate to attack people who are interacting with it.


7. Cats Just Finished Fighting

If your cat has just had a fight with another cat, you should not touch your pet cat first. Because if you hold a cat when the cat is fighting or when the cat is just fighting then this can make the cat attack you.

The cat attacks you not because it hates you, it's because the cat misunderstands and thinks you are a threat. Wait a few moments until your cat is calm, then you can hold it and stroke its body.


8. Lack Of Physical And Mental Stimulation

Cats that don't get enough physical and mental stimulation tend to exhibit aggressive behavior due to excess energy and frustration. Cats that stay indoors for too long without opportunities for play and engage in healthy physical activity can become less happy and more irritable.


Handling and Solutions

Dealing with aggressive behavior in cats requires understanding and patience. If your cat is showing signs of aggression, first make sure they are in good health by visiting the vet to check for any underlying health problems.

In addition, here are some tips that can help deal with aggressive behavior in cats :

  • Provide a safe and pleasant environment for cats.    Socialize your cat early so it gets used to humans and other animals.

  •  If the cat is acting aggressively, don't deal with violence, but give it some distance and let them calm down first.

  • Play and provide cats with enough mental stimulation to help release their energy in a positive way.

  • Consult a veterinary behaviorist if aggressive behavior problems persist.

Remember that every cat is unique, and the reasons for aggressive behavior can vary. With the right understanding and affection, you can help your cat to be calmer, happier and less aggressive in interacting with its surroundings.

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