
How To Take Care Domestic Cats ?

We have our own reasons why we keep domestic cats. There are those who are unable to adopt purebred cats, there are those who really prefer the type of domestic cat or there are those who initially hate cats and then fall in love with cats after adopting them because they feel sorry for seeing abandoned cats on the streets.


How To Take Care Domestic Cats

Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter, the most important thing is whether we take good care of the domestic cats that we care for. Now, to take care of domestic cats properly, of course we must know how to care for them.

Then how to maintain the correct domestic cat ? For those of you who are curious to know how, then you can read this article to the end to find out.


How To Take Care of Domestic Cats

Domestic cats are often chosen as pets because of their agile, independent and adaptable nature. Even though they are more independent than some other cat breeds, domestic cats still need a good amount of care and attention. The following are some guidelines for maintaining domestic cats properly

1. Balanced Diet

Make sure your stray cat is getting a balanced and quality diet. Choose cat food that contains all the nutrients your body needs, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. If possible, offer natural foods such as fresh, cut into small pieces or quality commercial cat food.


2. A Comfortable Place To Live

Provide your domestic cat with a comfortable place to live. This can be a soft, warm box or basket. Make sure the cat's bed is protected from extreme weather and well ventilated.


3. Cage Or Controlled Environment

f you choose to keep a stray cat indoors, make sure the cage is large enough for the cat to move about freely. If you let a domestic cat roam outside your home, make sure the area is safe and protected from hazards such as vehicles, wild animals or poisonous plants.


4. Optimal Health

Make sure your stray cat gets the necessary vaccinations and medical care. Immediately take the cat to the vet at any signs of illness or unusual behavior. Routinely provide deworming and protection from fleas and mites.


5. Bathing Domestic Cats

Apart from eating and drinking, you also need to bathe your domestic cat. Bathing a domestic cat will clean its body and some parts that are difficult for a cat to reach when it licks its body. In addition, this is also very beneficial for the health of the fur and skin.

Bathe the cat once every two weeks. When bathing cats, use special cat shampoo products to make bathing cats safer and healthier.


6. Dental And Nail Care

Regularly check and clean your cat's teeth. Use a special toothbrush and toothpaste specially designed for cats. Also, make sure your cat's nails are trimmed regularly to prevent them from getting too long and injuring themselves or others.


7. Sterilization Or Castration

If you do not intend to breed your domestic cat, it is advisable to have it spayed or castrated. As well as helping control the cat population, this procedure also has health benefits for cats, such as reducing the risk of cancer and other reproductive problems.


8. Affection And Attention

Finally, give your domestic cat enough love and attention. Speak softly, play with him, and give him the occasional treat as a token of appreciation. Domestic cats will feel happy and comfortable if they feel loved and appreciated.



Maintaining a domestic cat properly requires serious attention and responsibility. By providing good care and meeting their basic needs, you can ensure that your domestic cat lives a happy and healthy life.

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