
Can A Breastfeeding Mother Cat Be Bathed ?

We know that bathing an adult cat is a must, but what about a cat that is breastfeeding. Is it permissible to bathe a cat that is breastfeeding its kittens? In this article, Anggora will discuss a little about this.


Can A Breastfeeding Mother Cat Be Bathed

Can A Breastfeeding Mother Cat Be Bathed ?

Cats are popular pets around the world. As cat owners, there are many things that need to be understood to maintain the health and welfare of our beloved pets. One of the most frequently asked questions by cat owners is about the safety of bathing a nursing mother cat.

This article will discuss the myths and facts regarding whether or not a mother cat can be bathed while breastfeeding.


Circulating Myths

The myth that is often spread in society is that the mother cat should not be bathed while breastfeeding because it will disrupt the balance of milk production and cause the cat to refuse to breastfeed its kittens.

Some people also think that bathing while nursing can cause stress to the cat and interfere with the emotional bond between mother and kittens.


Facts about Bathing for Lactating Mother Cats

Actually, bathing for a nursing mother cat is not always prohibited. There are several things that need to be considered before deciding to give a bath to a cat that is breastfeeding:

  • Bathing Frequency : The mother cat should not be bathed too often, especially in the early lactation period. Wiping or cleaning the cat with a damp cloth is usually enough to keep them clean.

  • Products Used : If a bath is required, be sure to use a special shampoo or soap for cats that is gentle and free of harmful chemicals. Avoid using human shampoo or other cleaning products that can irritate the cat's skin.

  • Temperature And Environment : It is important to make sure the temperature is warm and comfortable when bathing your cat, especially if the cold environment can cause health problems for the cat and her kittens.

  • Proper Drying : Make sure the cat is completely dry after bathing with a soft towel or hair dryer on low heat. A wet cat can experience health problems, especially if it is in a cold environment.

  • Attention To Kittens : If a lactating cat leaves its kittens alone during a bath, make sure the kittens are kept in a warm and safe environment. Always supervise kittens while their mother is being bathed.



While the myth that breastfeeding mother cats are not allowed to bathe, there are actually some situations where bathing is necessary to keep a cat clean and healthy. However, it should only be done when absolutely necessary and with due observance of the proper precautions and procedures.

As cat owners, it is important to always understand and respect the unique needs and conditions of each cat we care for. If you have any questions or concerns about your cat's health, you should always consult your veterinarian for proper and accurate advice.

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