
Why Cats Scratch Chairs ? Here Is The Reason !

Cats are fascinating animals with their unique habits. One behavior that cat owners often observe is their tendency to scratch on chairs. This action may seem destructive, but there is actually a reason behind it.


Why Cats Scratch Chairs


Why Cats Scratch Chairs ?

 In this article, we will explain why cats like to scratch chairs and how we can manage this behavior. There is few reason that make cat like this, that is :

1. Sharpening Nails

Cats are animals that need nails that are sharp and kept clean. Scratching the seats is one way for them to sharpen their nails. Cats have a natural instinct to sharpen their nails and rid them of the dead covering. This activity helps keep your cat's nails healthy and allows them to avoid problems such as nails that are too long or stuck on unwanted surfaces.


2. Territorial Marking

Cats also use chair scratching as a way of marking their territory. They have sweat glands between their toes which contain pheromones. When they scratch the chair, this pheromone is released, telling other cats that the place is theirs. It is a cat's way of communication and helps them protect their territory from invasion by other cats.


3. Physical And Mental Exercise

Scratching chairs is also a form of physical and mental exercise for cats. This activity involves moving their body and muscles, which helps keep them physically fit. Apart from that, it also provides mental stimulation when they encounter the different textures of different types of chairs. This is important for maintaining an active and happy cat life.


4. Interesting Surface

Some chairs may offer a cat an attractive surface. For example, a chair covered with a material such as rope or webbing can provide a comfortable sensation when the cat scratches it. They may find this feeling pleasurable and thus a preferred place to sharpen their nails.


How To Stop Cats From Scratching Chairs ?

There are several ways that you might be able to do to make the cat stop scratching the chair and damaging it. Some of the actions you can take are by :

  • Provide special attractive boards or poles for cats to scratch on. So every time a cat wants to scratch, it will come to the place where the board or wood is. If you are lazy to make these boards or poles then you can buy them directly at the pet shop or at the online shop

  • Cover your chair with a certain layer that makes the cat lose its desire to scratch your chair. For example lining chairs with special iron and the like.

  • If the two methods above still fail, then the last step you can take to prevent your cat from clawing at your chair is to cut your cat's nails regularly.


By using the methods above, it is guaranteed that the cat will stop scratching your chair. Maybe that's all the discussion about the reasons cats like to claw chairs, I hope the contents of this article are useful for you.

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