
Why Cats Like Sleep On Our Heads ? Here Is The Answer !

There are some unusual cat beds. One of them is the cat sleeping on our heads. Can be on the top of the head, back of the head or the face of us. Seeing a cat like this, of course, we will be curious why he likes to behave like this.


Why Cats Like Sleep On Our Heads

Why do cats like to sleep on our heads? Find out the answer by reading Anggora's writing to the end.


The Reason Why Cats Sleep On Our Heads ?

Cats are animals that need a lot of sleep. Sometimes these animals like to sleep in strange places, for example, cats sleeping on our heads. The habit of cats like sleeping on their heads can exist in any cat 

Why do cats like this ? This is why :

1. Warmth And Security

One of the main reasons why cats like to sleep on our heads is because of the perceived warmth and security. Cats are animals that like warm temperatures, and our heads are one part of the body that often produces higher temperatures.

When cats sleep on our heads, they can feel the warmth they are looking for, especially if we sleep with pillows or blankets that provide additional warmth. In addition, cats also feel safe and comfortable because they feel close to us, their owners, which gives them a sense of security and protection.


2. High Accessibility

Cats are animals who really like to observe their surroundings. By sleeping on our heads, they get high accessibility to see and monitor their surroundings. Our head is a strategic position for them to stay aware of everything that is going on around their house or environment.

They can easily see movement, hear sounds, and smell odors coming from all directions. Therefore, sleeping on our heads gives cats a better visual advantage to keep them safe.


3. Cats Like High Places

 Cats like high places because they can easily observe and monitor their surroundings when they are at high places. If a cat is laying down and quiet on our head but it is not sleeping then the cat is there simply because it likes the place and the cat just wants to have fun and wants to keep an eye on its surroundings easily.


4. Hair Smell

have a very keen sense of smell. Our heads are often places with a lot of hair, and cats can sense odors coming from our heads. They may be attracted by a particular scent or odor they encounter on our hair.

These smells can have a calming effect on them, which makes them feel comfortable and fall asleep peacefully on our heads.



As odd as it may seem, cats sleeping on our heads have good reasons. From warmth and security to social needs and visual advantage, cats find a comfortable place on top of our heads. They feel close to us and feel the comfort they seek.

So, when your cat decides to sleep on your head, appreciate that moment as a form of love and trust they give you as their owner.

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