
How To Find Thrown Cats

Cats are very sweet and loving animals. Unfortunately, some people are irresponsible and choose to throw away our cat without proper attention. These abandoned cats can face various dangers and difficulties in finding food and shelter.


How To Find Abandoned Cats

If you find your cat has been dumped, there are steps you can take to help them. In this article, we will explain how to find abandoned cats.


Easy Way To Find Thrown Cats

When our cats are thrown away by other people, of course we as owners will feel annoyed and some of us might even curse those who throw away our beloved cats. Not only that, we will also feel lost because what they throw away are living things that we have considered as part of our family.

As soon as we are sure that our cat is thrown away, we must immediately try to find the cat. Then is there an easy way to find a cat that was thrown away ? There is a way. Here are some effective ways to find thrown cats based my experience:

1. Asking People In The Environment We Live In

The first way is to ask those who live around us live. Ask them if they have seen our cat brought by someone else to be thrown away or have they happened to have seen our cat. If there is, then we can ask them where they last saw them and rush over there to look for our cat.

Usually after doing this it is not uncommon for many cat owners to find their cats. With a note that the information from people who have seen our cat is accurate and the cat he has seen is really our cat.


2. Try To Find A Cat Where People Often Dump Cats

Try looking for cats in places that other people generally use as cat dumps. Some of them include :

  • Market

  • Ordinary restaurant or padang restaurant

  • Garbage dump

  • A place where cats often congregate

  • A place where there are cat lovers who take care of cats

  • On the side of the highway

  • And several other places that you think are often used to dispose of cats


3. Create A Lost Poster

This method is often done by people when their cat is missing. You can do something similar with them. Make a poster about your lost cat. Include there a photo of the cat, the cat's name, your contact number.

Don't forget to include reward information for those who find and bring your cat back to you. Oh yes, when you put up this poster, make sure you put it up in public places and strategic places so that many people can see it.


4. Pray

The last is to pray. After all the efforts we have made, the last step we have to do is ask for help from our creator. Pray that the cat will be found and our efforts will not be in vain. Usually by doing this our affairs will be made easy.

But if the cat is still not found, then don't be sad and have prejudice against the creator because this could be for your good.


Those are some ways you can use to find your abandoned cat. Maybe that's all the discussion on this matter, I hope this article is useful for you

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