
Cats Take A Warm Bath, Is It OK ?

Oh yes speaking of bathing cats, most of us probably bathe cats with plain water. This is a common thing to do, especially for countries where the average air temperature is normal or hot. An example is our country Australia, which has an air temperature that is neither cold nor warm.


Can Cats Bathe In Warm Water

But even though the air temperature in our country is like this, can we bathe cats using warm water? Find out the answer by reading Anggora's writing below to the end.


Can Cats Bathe In Warm Water ?

The answer is yes, cats can bathe in warm water, as long as the water temperature is not too hot. In fact, this is highly recommended for cats. Because of what ?

Because bathing a cat using warm water can make the cat not feel cold when bathed, make the cat feel relaxed and so that the cat is not too stressed when bathed. Warm water can help remove dirt, grease, and dead hair from your cat's skin more easily than cold water.\

However, keep in mind that each cat has a different temperature preference, so it's important to pay attention to your cat's reaction to the bath.


Tips For Giving A Bath With Safe Warm Water

Here is tips to washing your cat body with warm water :

1. The Right Water Temperature

Make sure the warm water temperature you use is not too hot or too cold. The ideal temperature ranges from 38-39 degrees Celsius. Use a water thermometer to make sure it's the right temperature before starting to bathe your cat.


2. Prepare Equipment

Prepare all necessary equipment before starting the bath, including a mild cat shampoo, soft towels, brushes, and sponges. Make sure the products you use are safe for use on cats and avoid contact with the eyes and ears.


3. A safe And Comfortable Place

Choose a quiet, warm place to bathe your cat. You can also use a special mat for cats to make them feel safer and more comfortable while bathing.


4. Introduce It Gradually

If your cat is not used to baths, introduce them slowly with water. Do this using a small amount of water on the legs and slowly moving up their body. Use gentle movements and avoid disturbing the cat with sudden movements.


5. Be Patient

Bathing can be a stressful experience for some cats. Be patient and give them praise and treats after they finish. This will help increase your cat's confidence in the bathing process.



Warm baths can be an effective way to clean your cat and keep them clean. Make sure the water temperature used is not too hot and use products that are safe for cats.

Keep paying attention to your cat's reaction during the bath, and if your cat is very stressed or anxious, it may be better to find a cleaning alternative such as using a wet cloth or cat-safe dry cleaning product. Always pay extra attention and love to your cat during their bathing process.

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