
Can Cats See In The Dark ? This Is The Answer !

If you have ever owned or interacted with a cat, you may have heard the popular claim that cats have the uncanny ability to see in the dark. However, is this claim just a myth, or is there some truth to it ?


Can Cats See In The Dark

In this article, we'll explore interesting facts about cat vision and decide if they really can see in the dark.


Can Cats See In The Dark ?

Before answer the question, first Anggora want to talking about fact about cat eyesight. Here is few fact about cat eyesight :

  • Impressive Night Eyes : One of the things that sets cats apart from humans is their stunning eyes. Cats' eyes have pupils that dilate quickly, helping them to gather as much light as possible in low light conditions. Their pupils can dilate up to five times larger than humans, giving them an advantage in seeing in the dark.

  • Ability To Take Advantage of Low Light : Cats have more rods in their eyes than humans. The rods are light-receiving cells which are responsible for vision in low light. Due to the presence of more sticks, cats have a better ability to see objects in the dark.

  • Reflective Coatings in the Eyes : You may have noticed a "glow" in a cat's eyes when exposed to light. This is caused by a reflective layer behind their retina called the tapetum lucidum. This layer reflects light that passes through the retina, allowing more light to reach the receiving cells in the eye and improving their vision in low light conditions.

  • Extensive Peripheral Vision: In addition to the ability to see in the dark, cats also have excellent peripheral vision. They have a viewing angle of about 200 degrees, compared to 180 degrees in humans. Broad peripheral vision allows cats to better detect movement, making them efficient predators.



So can cats really see in the dark ? In general, the answer is yes. Cats are animals that can see in the dark as long as there is some light. Cat eyesight is naturally much better than humans because of its adaptability and the advantages possessed by cat eyes.

Even though cats have extraordinary eye abilities in the dark, cats still need a little light to be able to use this ability. If a cat's eyes don't get even the slightest bit of light, the cat will have trouble seeing like what humans experience.

Maybe that's all the discussion about whether cats can see in the dark. Hopefully this article will provide many benefits for Anggora friends who read it.

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