
Here Is Cats Feelings When Scolded !

Cats are popular pets around the world. They have unique personalities and are often an important part of human life. However, just like humans, cats also have feelings and emotions.


Here Is Cats Feelings When Scolded


In this article, we'll explore how cats feel when they're scolded, and how we as cat owners can understand and deal with it wisely.

What Is Cats Feelings When Scolded ?

Here is cat feeling when it get scolded by its owner :

1. Initial Reaction

When our cats get angry or reprimanded from us, a common initial reaction is to look surprised or scared. Cats may jump or dodge, clench their claws, or even hide in hard-to-reach places. This is their natural response to unpleasant situations.

However, it is important for us to recognize that cats don't always understand the reasons why they are being scolded.


2. Feelings Of Fear

Getting angry or being reprimanded by their owner can cause a cat to feel fear. They respond by showing signs of fear such as an erect or crooked tail, ears that are bent back, or body ducking. Cats may also attempt to stay away from their owners in an attempt to protect themselves.

This feeling of fear can continue over a longer period of time, producing anxiety and stress in the cat.


3. Guilt

One of the interesting reactions we can observe in cats is the expression of guilt after they have been scolded. Cats may show signs of remorse by lowering their heads, looking with gentle eyes, or by lowering their bodies.

However, it's important to remember that displays of guilt in cats may actually be a reaction to our body language and tone of voice, not an expression of awareness of their guilt.


4. Anxiety And Long-Term Impact

Constantly being scolded or subjected to excessive reprimands can have long-term effects on cats. This can cause persistent feelings of anxiety and make cats feel unsafe in their environment. Cats that are chronically stressed may develop unwanted behaviors, such as becoming aggressive, withdrawn, or have eating disorders.

It is important for owners to be aware of the possible effects and work to create a safe and loving environment for their cats.


5. Dealing With Situations Wisely

As cat owners, there are several steps we can take to deal with situations where we need to wisely scold or reprimand our cats :

  • Avoid violence or verbal abuse : Cats will not understand a harsh reprimand or other forms of abusive treatment. Use a soft, loving voice when giving a rebuke.

  • Provide a safe alternative : Distract the cat with a toy or other object they can attack without endangering themselves or the environment.

  • Find out the cause of the unwanted behavior : Some unwanted cat behavior may be the result of health problems or unmet needs. Make sure your cat is in good health and has an environment that suits their needs.

  • Provide positive reinforcement : Giving praise and treats when your cat is behaving well can help build a positive relationship between you and your cat.



When a cat is scolded, the cat will also have certain feelings such as: confused, surprised, feeling scared, feeling guilty or the cat simply doesn't care or is indifferent when we are angry with him.

That's why when we scold a cat we must understand the cat's feelings and take wise action according to the conditions at that time. This is important for us to create a strong relationship between the owner and our pet cat.


Maybe that's all the discussion about the feelings of cats when we get angry. Hopefully what Anggora wrote is useful for you.

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