
7 Easy Ways To Make Cats Not Fierce With Other Cats

Caring for a cat is something fun for those who keep it. Because they like to keep them, it is not uncommon for them to increase the number of cats they care for.


How To Make Cats Not Fierce With Other Cats

They will keep 2 or 3 cats in their house. At first they might think that there would be no problems if they kept lots of cats in the house but what they thought was wrong.

Cats are fierce and often fight with other cats. Cats will do this every time they see each other. Whether it's a newly adopted cat or a cat that we have kept for a long time, both of them will seem unfriendly to each other.

For those who have recently kept many cats, this may seem unnatural and strange, but for the Anggora, this is normal, considering that cats are not group animals. Even though cats are fierce with other cats, you don't need to worry about this.

Because you can still make cats friendly and not fierce anymore towards other cats using certain methods. Then how? For Anggora friends who are curious to know how, you must read Anggora's article below to the end.


7 Ways To Keep Cats Not Fierce With Other Cats

When you have just taken care of 2 cats at once or more then you will see cats don't get along with each other. They will also appear very fierce towards other cats. They will be fierce even if the other cat is a cat of a different sex or a kitten.

Seeing this, of course, we will feel uncomfortable and try to keep the two cats from hating each other. For those of you who want a cat not to be fierce with other cats, you can try the following methods :

1. Get The Cat Accustomed To The Presence Of Other Cats

If a cat doesn't seem to like other cats, then don't separate them, just let them stay that way. Keep them close to each other so they get used to the presence of other cats.

Do this while keeping an eye on them. If they seem to want to fight with each other's claws, then you have to separate them. If they just fight meongan each other then let it be.

Usually, if cats are used to each other, they will no longer perceive other cats as foreign cats. They will not be angry or fight anymore if the cat approaches them or is near them.

This method usually takes a long time, at least a week and a maximum of more than a week. A long time is normal considering that cats need time to get used to the presence of other cats.


2. Make The Cats Eat In The Same Place

Even though cats are fierce with each other, when they eat, don't separate them. Place their bowls in the same place. This will get the cat more used to the presence of other cats.

By doing this, over time, the cat's natural instinct to see other cats as enemies will change to see the cats around them as no longer a threat. When doing this there is a possibility that the cat will not eat because the other cats are angry with it.

To overcome this, you can simply place the food bowl a little further apart. If the cat still doesn't want to eat, put the cat food bowl back away until the cat wants to eat.

What you need to pay attention to when doing this is that even though the bowls are a bit far apart, both cats must be in the same place and must be able to see each other while they are eating.


3. Provide 1 Drinking Bowl

Besides making the cat eat in the same place, you can also provide 1 drinking bowl for the cat. With only one drinking bowl, cats will often pass each other when they are thirsty.

This of course will make the cat become familiar with other cats and the cat's fierce attitude will disappear by itself.


4. Invite Your Cat To Play

The next way is to invite your cat to play so that he will no longer be fierce with other cats. Invite them to play together. You can use balls, ropes and other play items to get the cats to play together.

By making the cats play together, they will forget that they are hostile to each other and over time, each cat will no longer regard the other cat as an enemy.


5. Let Cats Play Outdoors

If your cat wants to play outside the house then let it be. When cats are outside the house, sometimes one of them will forget that the cat that is nearby is the cat he is currently fighting against.

This cat will try to invite other cats to play with it. He will do anything to make this cat want to play with him, from catching his tail, hitting his head, rolling in front of him and doing other actions to get the cat to play.

If the other cat no longer considers the cat who invites him to play as his enemy then the cat will play with him but if it's the other way around then the cat will still be fierce towards the cat who invites him to play.

As long as the fierce cat only scolds while meowing then let it be, only separate them when the cat starts playing hands by scratching or biting other cats.


6. Repeat The Same Thing Continuously

In order for the above method to work, you must routinely repeat it continuously every day. Keep doing it until the cat is no longer fierce and hostile to other cats. Generally, this method must be done up to 1 month maximum to be successful.

But not infrequently before this 1 month time it can succeed in making cats no longer fierce with other cats. Angora itself takes about 2 weeks to succeed.


7. Sterilize The Cat

The last way you can do for a cat so that it doesn't get angry with other cats is to neuter the cat. This method is powerful enough to do with adult cats who are fierce towards the same sex or with the opposite sex.

It's just that there are two drawbacks in this way. The first drawback is that you need money to do it and the amount is not quite small, around 500 thousand and above.

The second drawback is that cats that have been sterilized will lose their reproductive abilities which will make cats unable to produce offspring forever.

Maybe that's just a few easy ways to make a cat not fierce with other cats. May be useful.

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