
7 Easy Ways To Overcome Motion Sickness In Cats When Traveling

Many of us who travel for long periods of time out of town or to other destinations are reluctant to leave our cats. We tend to prefer taking our cat with us on trips rather than leaving it with us.


Easy Ways To Overcome Motion Sickness In Cats When Traveling

This is caused by many reasons, such as past events that traumatized us, because we left a cat where the cat disappeared, the cost of taking care of a cat was relatively expensive, or indeed because we ourselves did not want to part with the cat, which we considered as our own family.

Regardless of the reason, bringing a cat on a trip is not prohibited. It's just that when we take a cat on a trip, let alone the journey is quite far, we will definitely encounter problems with our cats. One of the problems is the cat experience motion sickness.

Motion sickness in cat is common and normal. But still this will disturb us and make us feel sorry for the condition of the cat. So, for those of you who want your cat not to get motion sickness, you can handle it easily.

How to do it ? You can see how, in Anggora's writing below. Read to the end.


7 Easy Ways To Overcome Motion Sickness In Cats When Traveling

Similar to humans, cats can feel motion sickness when they are in a car or on a motorbike. Motion sickness on cat itself according to Anggora its characteristics are similar to what is experienced by humans, namely :

  • Cat vomiting

  • Limp cat

  • Cat won't eat

  • The cat became quiet

  • And others


In addition to the several characteristics above, there are actually many other characteristics or signs that the cat is motion sickness. And most of these characteristics or signs are similar to those of humans who are motion sickness on a trip.

Overcoming a cat who is motion sickness is actually easy to do if we know how. So how do you deal with a drunken cat on the trip ? Here are some ways :

1. Use Your Own Or Private Vehicle

It is better to use your own vehicle when you want to travel with your cat. Do not travel using public transportation such as inter-city buses and other public transportation. Why ? Because if you use public transportation, you won't be able to ask the driver to stop briefly frequently.

Naturally, if the driver refuses, because he doesn't want the travel time to be longer because he often stops for a while with the excuse that the cat is calm and not too drunk.

That's why if you have a personal vehicle such as a motorbike or car at home, then you should use your own vehicle when you are traveling for a long time and far enough with your cat.

Oh yeah, this method doesn't apply if we have to go by sea or by air, because it's impossible for us to use private vehicles to cross the sea or fly in the air, hehehe.

By using a private vehicle when traveling, you can stop as often as possible in the middle of the trip to calm the cat, make the cat not easily motion sickness, relieve motion sickness, give it food or drink and stroke it so it is not too scared and stressed.

A little note, never take a cat out of the cage if you don't tie the cat at all. This can make the cat run away and you will have a hard time catching it.


2. Don't Go Alone

Try to travel with other people such as co-workers, close friends, or family members. The point is, you don't go alone unless the situation is forced because there is no one else to go with. With someone else with you, he can help you keep an eye on the cat.

So you can focus more on driving the vehicle. In addition, we don't need to stop often just to see how our fur pal is doing. We only need to stop when our friends say that cats are in a bad condition, like cats looking very thirsty, hungry, scared and so on.

Not only can we help watch over the cat, traveling companions can also help us to calm the cat and make it less drunk by stroking its head.


3. Prepare Cat Needs

Preparing for a cat's needs is one way you can deal with a motion sickness cat on a trip. You need to prepare drinking water, food, vitamins, cat-specific anti-drunken drugs and various other cat needs. Prepare according to how long you will be traveling.

For example, if you want to travel for 24 hours or a day and night, then the needs of the cat that you have to prepare are sufficient cat needs for 24 hours.


4. Use A Cage That Has Lots of Air Vents

Motion sickness in cats can also be caused by cat cages ( Pet Cargo ) that are too closed. The more closed the cage and the less ventilation it will make the cat more easily motion get sickness. Cats will also be easily stressed.

Not only that, a cage that is too closed and has little air ventilation can also cause a cat to lack fluids and then become dehydrated. This of course will endanger the health of our pet cats. That's why if you decide to take a cat on a trip then use a cat cage ( per cargo ) that is open and has lots of air ventilation.

Do not use pet cargo that is too closed. Do not also use cardboard boxes or other boxes that seem too closed and easily torn. Because this box can not only make cats easily drunk, it also makes it easy for cats to escape by tearing it with their claws.

So, if you want the cat not to get  motion sickness easily or not too stress while traveling, you should use a cat cage that is open and has lots of air ventilation.


5. Keep The Cat Calm

Keep the cat calm. To keep the cat calm while on the trip you can do various things such as :

  • Drive well and avoid the many vibrations that will occur in the vehicle. These vibrations often occur when we pass through bad roads, move zig-zag when overtaking other vehicles and so on.

  • Try to be as smooth as possible in driving. With little vibration and a smooth ride, the cat won't get  motion sickness or stress easily or the cat won't get too heavy

  • Drive with care. This will affect not only your safety but also the calmness of the cat

  • Make sure the cat doesn't see areas where there are lots of people or vehicles passing by. Because some cats tend to get drunk easily when they see lots of fast moving objects in front of them. This is similar to what some people experience with motion sickness

  • Don't let the cat overheat. A hot body will not only make the cat thirsty, it will also make the cat have headaches and get motion seickness easily

  • If the cat is frightened, stroke its head to calm it down. This will make the cat calm and sometimes can put the cat to sleep so he forgets the motion sickness he is feeling

  • And others.


6. Frequent Stops During The Trip

The next way is to stop often while on the way. As long as you stop midway, take advantage of this time to stretch and rest your body. Also take advantage of this to check the cat's condition. If the cat looks very thirsty and hungry, you can give it food and drink.

You can also pet the head and talk to the cat to calm it down. But remember when stroking it, only stroke the cat from the gap in the cage. Because if you take it out, there is a risk that the cat will run away and then disappear.

Stopping for a moment in the middle of the trip is not only to check on the cat but can also make the cat's hangover subside a little.


7. Use Anti-Drunken Drugs For Cats

Some time before starting the trip, use anti-sickness medication on the cat. Use this medicine a few minutes before you leave. This type of drug is considered effective in suppressing a hangover in cats.

For those of you who are confused about where to buy this drug, you can buy it at a pet shop or online shop. The price is quite cheap, only 3 to 5 dollars. Use this medicine 3 times a day and when using it you should follow the directions for use on the packaging.

Give it to the cat before leaving, halfway through the day and at night. Also give it to the cat when you arrive at your destination. After arriving at the destination you can give this medicine continuously until the cat is not drunk anymore and returns to behaving normally.


A Little Additional Information From Anggora

When you are taking a cat on a trip, always monitor the condition of your cat. If you feel that there is something strange about the cat, then the cat should be immediately taken to the nearest vet.

One more important piece of information, when taking a cat out of a cage when you want to feed, drink or pet the cat, make sure that the cat has been tied with a special cat leash. This is to prevent the cat from escaping and disappearing.

There are many cases where cats run away and then disappear when the owner feeds or drinks the cat outside the cage. Even if you manage to find the cat, the cat will be very difficult to catch. This is because fear, stress or cat intoxication makes the cat's level of alertness very high and makes it very wary of anyone even towards its own owner who tries to approach it.

That's how easy it is to deal with a motion sickness cat. We hope that the writings at can help you deal with your cat's problem and make your trip with your cat much more enjoyable.

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