
10 Characteristics Of A Cold Cat You Must Know

Most of us probably think that cats are animals that don't get cold easily or can't get cold. We think like that because we see that a cat's hair is so thick. So we think that with these feathers the cat can be in a low temperature environment without worrying about getting cold.


Characteristics Of A Cold Cat

In fact, this is not the case. Even though cats are animals that have thick and dense fur, cats can feel cold too. Cats will feel cold when the warmth of their fur is unable to withstand the cold from the air temperature around them. So it can be concluded that cats are the same as humans, both can feel cold.

The difference is when a cat is cold, the cat cannot say that it is cold. To find out whether a pet cat is cold or not, you can only do it in one way. The trick is to see the cat showing certain characteristics or signs that the cat is cold. 

What are the characteristics or signs of a cold cat ? What are the characteristics or signs the Good Owner can find out by reading Anggora's writing below. Read to the end.


10 Characteristics Of Cold Cats You Must Know

Cold cats cannot be considered trivial and left alone without proper handling. Because if left alone without being treated, cats can experience hypothermia. Hypothermia is a condition in which a cat experiences extreme or severe cold.

If a cat has hypothermia and is left alone, the cat has a big risk of losing its life. There are many cases where owners who are ignorant or lay people don't know that their cats are cold so in the end they lose cats because of their own negligence.

So, if you don't want this to happen to your cat, then you must know the characteristics or signs that a cat is cold. You can see the characteristics below :

 1. Fluffy Cat Fur

The first characteristic of a cold cat is that the cat's fur expands. When a cat is cold, the hair on the cat's body expands and appears to stand up. This is similar to when humans are cold or have goosebumps, the hairs on their necks will rise.

The expansion of this cat's fur is also similar to the condition in which cats are fighting. It's just that the expansion of cat fur is not so fluffy as when cats are fighting. Only about 1/3 of the way cats are when they're fighting.


2. Changes In Cat Behavior For A Moment

The next characteristic is that the cat experiences a change in behavior that is only momentary, namely only when it feels that the surrounding air makes it cold.

Changes in cat behavior that commonly occur when he feels cold are cats that were previously active will become more lazy and tend to sleep more often.

Even cats sometimes lose their appetite. But you don't worry because usually when the air is warm again and the cat feels that it is no longer cold, the cat will return to normal behavior as usual. You only have to worry if after the weather has warmed up and the cat's behavior doesn't change.

Because it could be that the cat is not cold but the cat is sick. If this happens to your cat, you should immediately take it to the vet.


3. Cats Lost Appetite

Some cats that are cold will lose their appetite. The cat's loss of appetite is triggered by cold air which makes the cat lazy to move and more willing to sleep. Often owners who call cats to eat are ignored when they are cold.

To get a cat to eat the only way is to bring food close to the cat and lure it to want to eat by bringing food to its nostrils. Cats that smell food will be attracted by the smell and start to have an appetite and want to eat again.


4. Cats Sleep In Warm Places

A cold cat will usually prefer to sleep in a warm place such as under a lamp, on an electronic device, near a fireplace, on a bed or blanket and other warm places. When the temperature is cold, you as the owner will often find them sleeping in the places mentioned above.


5. Cats Sleep In A Circular Position

In addition to looking for warm places to be a place to sleep, cats will change their sleeping position. Cats that are cold will generally often sleep in a curled up position. For cats this position is the most ideal sleeping position and is able to make the body warmer when cold air attacks.


6. Cats Gather In One Place

For those of you cat owners who keep more than one cat, of course you are no stranger to the sight of all cats gathering in the same place. They huddled very close together. They gather to sleep together or gather just to warm each other's bodies. They often do this when the air temperature is very cold.


7. The Cat's Body Feels Cold

We can also find out that cats are cold by physically examining cats. Try holding your beloved cat's body, especially on the ears. If the cat's ears feel very cold, then we can confirm that the cat is feeling cold.

Then what if the cat's ears feel hot when held ? This means that your cat is not only cold but also has a fever.


8. The Cat's Heartbeat Is Getting Lower

The seventh characteristic of a cold cat is that the cat's heart rate is lower than usual. A cat's heart rate, which is usually 140 to 220 beats per minute, is now lower. If this happens to your cat, you should immediately warm the cat's body.

Warm your cat's body to avoid unwanted things. Because if you let it, the cat be at risk of death.


9. The Cat's Breath Becomes Slow

If the cat feels that the air temperature is very cold, the cat will breathe more slowly than it normally does. Cats usually do this when the air temperature around them feels really cold.


10. The Cat Is Trembling

The last sign of a cold cat is that the cat will appear to be shaking. Just like feature number 9 above, this feature will also appear in a cat when he feels that his body is very cold. If your cat shows this one feature, then you must be vigilant and hurry to warm the cat.

Don't leave it because your cat can get hypothermia and then die from feeling cold. There are many cases where cat owners lose their cats due to neglect when this happens. If you don't want this to happen to your cat, immediately warm your cat's body when he seems to be shaking.

To warm a cat's body, you can use a hair dryer, warm blankets, bring his body closer to the fireplace and other ways.


A Little Additional Information

Never underestimate the cold in cats. Because if you underestimate this, you could lose your cat. Therefore, as much as possible, avoid your cat from getting cold.

Whether it's cold due to natural factors such as cold environmental temperatures or cold due to you just bathing your cat at the wrong time. And try every time you see a cold cat, you warm up his body as quickly as possible.

By doing this you can prevent your cat from getting fever, coughing, respiratory diseases and hypothermia.


Maybe that's all the discussion about the 10 characteristics of a cat that feels cold. Hopefully this article can help you answer your questions on this matter. As well as add insight and can be useful for you.

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