
4 Ways To Treating Cat Fight Wounds At Home

The nature of the animal is like fighting with other males in terms of the struggle for territory or females. One of the animals that has a fighting nature is the cat. Both female cats and male cats both have this trait.


Treating Cat Fight Wounds At Home

This fighting nature is not only owned by stray cats but also domestic cats with the record that the cat has not been sterilized. When cats fight, cats often make loud noises, break things, and make very loud meows.

In fact, not infrequently the fighting cat is injured by scratches from other cats. Seeing this, of course, as owners, we will feel sorry for the condition of our beloved fur friend and at the same time will try to treat the cat's wound.

Now to treat cat wounds due to fighting, you can see how to do it in Angora's writing below. Read Angora explanation below until the end, Good Readers.


4 Ways To Treating Cat Fight Wounds At Home

When a cat fights, of course there will be a cat that gets hurt. These injuries generally occur due to claws between one cat and another cat. The parts that are most often injured by cats fighting based on Angora's experience are :

  • Head area face

  • Ear

  • Cat Neck

  • Neck

  • And the forelegs


To treat these wounds, you can use the method that Angora usually does on an injured cat below :

1. Examine The Cat's Body

First examine the cat's entire body slowly. Look or feel the area where you think there is a wound and also see how your cat reacts when you touch the wound. If the cat looks in pain or looks like it immediately rebels, you can be sure the area is injured.

If you feel that your cat's wound is not deep or very severe even though many parts of his body are injured from scratches or bites, you can treat your cat independently at home. Meanwhile, if the wound feels quite deep or severe, you should immediately take the cat for treatment to the vet.

Because wounds that are too severe can cause wounds to become festering, skin tissue infections ( cellulitis ) and possible complications of other diseases due to cat scratches and bites.


2. Clean Cat Wounds

After checking the area where there is a cat wound, the next thing we have to do is clean the cat's wound. The trick is simply to use a water that mixed with a teaspoon of salt. For the water use one liter of boiled water that has been cold.

Clean the cat's wound with a salt water and then dry the wound using a clean cloth, try not to dry it using cotton. Then stop the bleeding from the cat's wound.

Bleeding can be stopped by pressing on the wound and then covering it with gauze or it could be by lifting the injured limb higher than the heart, this will stop blood flowing to the part of the body that is bleeding.

Oh ya, when cleaning cat wounds, avoid using alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. Why ? Because these two chemicals are worried that they can damage the injured cat's skin tissue and make the wound worse. Clean the wound using only salt water or an antiseptic.

If you feel that you are unable to clean the cat's wound while caring for it, then there is nothing wrong with asking a veterinarian to clean the cat's wound, treat it and help with its treatment.


3. Give E-Collar

The third way you can do so that the treatment can run well and the cat can recover quickly is to give the cat an E Collar. E Collar is a medical tool that serves to prevent cats from biting and licking wounds on their bodies.

Use the E Collar after you have wrapped the cat's wound with gauze. You can buy this tool at the nearest pet shop or online store. For the price itself is quite cheap, which is around 3 dollars or above. Besides being cheap, this tool is also very easy to install yourself at home.

By using E Collar on an injured cat, it is proven to be very capable of helping to accelerate the healing of wounds on the cat's body. This is because this tool prevents the cat from biting or licking the wound area, which can cause the wound to open or fester.


4. Pay Attention To The Condition Of The Cat

The last thing is to always pay attention to the condition of the cat. See if the wound is getting better over time. If yes, then the treatment has been successfully carried out so you don't have to worry about your cat's condition anymore.

If that doesn't work, you should talk to your vet about this. This is the best action we can take after we have self-medicated for a cat who has been injured in a fight.


Can Fighting Wounds In Cats Heal On Their Own ?

Based on Anggora's own experience, there are many cases where a cat that was lightly injured in a fight could recover on its own. But the healing process in cats itself is quite time consuming.

This happens only in some cats, while in other cats the minor wounds are difficult to heal and some of them even become pus, watery and even emit an unpleasant odor. So when a cat is injured even if it is a minor one, treat the cat as best you can.

This is better than leaving the cat alone because the natural wound healing process will take a long time and sometimes even make the wound worse.


What About A Seriously Injured Cat ?

In the case of cats who are seriously injured due to fighting, it can be said that it is rather rare unless there is intervention from a third party such as a bad person throwing a cat with a stone, hitting it with a blunt object or dousing it with hot water and the like.

But for those of you whose cat was really seriously injured after a fight. it's better if the cat is not self-medicated at home. Treatment must be carried out by those who have expertise in this field, namely veterinarians.

Why is that ? This is because if the cat's wound is deep enough, it is likely that the cat will not only be injured on the outside but also the inside and this of course requires more in-depth medical measures such as surgery and other.


How To Prevent Cats From Fighting?

If a pet cat is allowed to freely enter and leave the house, it is difficult to prevent cats from fighting. The only solution is to lock the cat in a house or a special cat cage. You can also sterilize your cat so that the cat is calmer, does not like to fight, is friendly and likes to stay at home.

For other ways, according to Anggora, there seems to be no more so that cats don't like fighting.


Maybe that's all the discussion about how to treat a cat who is injured due to fighting with other cats. With this article, we hope that you will be able to treat your cat independently at home.

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