
Is It Safe To Eat Food Eaten By Cats ? Here Is The Answer !

In our daily life, eating healthy food is one of the important things we always try to do every day. We do this in order to keep the body healthy so that it can work and carry out normal activities.


Is It Safe To Eat Food Eaten By Cats

Even though we have tried to keep food healthy, there are still other factors that can change food that was previously healthy to not be eaten because it is dirty and can be a source of disease.

For example, food that has landed on flies can make people who eat it get stomachaches, food eaten or touched by rats can cause salmonellessis, leptospirosis and bubonic plague which was once considered one of the deadliest black death epidemics of its time.

Then what about the food that was bitten by a cat ? Are the bite marks also able to change food that was previously healthy and safe to eat into dangerous if eaten. Of course, many of us want to know the answer to this question.

Including cat lovers, they really want to know the answer. Now for Good Readers who are curious and want to know the answer, you can read Anggora's writing below. Read to the end, OK!


Wrong Views About Cats

Cats are indeed clean animals who like cleanliness, that's why this one animal often licks its body to clean itself. This activity is often done by cats when they are free or when they feel their bodies are dirty.

Cleaning the body is one of the daily activities that cats often do. You could say cleaning the body is the second activity that cats often do besides sleeping, of course. Cats are clean animals, but that doesn't mean cats are disease-free.

Many people still think that a clean cat will not cause disease, but this view is wrong. Because a well-maintained cat, can cause disease if the cat is infected. This case is similar to humans who can still cause disease transmission to others if they are infected with certain diseases.

Even no matter how clean he is, he will still spread the disease if he is infected. So from this we can conclude that cats can still cause disease. It's that cats that are well maintained and healthy, cats very rarely cause disease to their owners.


Is It Dangerous When We Eat Food That Cat Bites Or Licking ?

Food that has been eaten or licked by a cat should not be consumed again because if we consume it, it can endanger the health of the person who consumes or eats the food. Because this food can be a medium for the spread of disease.

This disease is the result of bacterial and parasitic infections that attach to the cat's fur or saliva. Some of the diseases that may be caused by food that has been bitten by a cat include :

  • Cat scratch disease

  • Toxoplasmosis

  • Allergy

  • And others


 If We Accidentally Eat It What Should We Do ?

If after eating cat bite food you feel that your body is not in good condition and you feel that symptoms of illness are very disturbing, such as :

  • Nauseous

  • Vomit

  • Fever

  • Shivers

  • Inflammation

  • Pain in the lymph nodes

  • And others


If the above symptoms appear then you should immediately consult, check yourself and go to the nearest doctor. Then after recovering, make sure that the food you want to eat is not licked or eaten by the cat.


Can This Disease Be Cured By Itself ?

Diseases such as cat scratch disease and toxoplasma are types of diseases that can heal on their own. With a note that the infected person is a person who has a strong immune system. A cat's scratch infection can go away on its own within one to two months.

Meanwhile, Toxoplasma infection can heal itself after a month or two month. Although these two diseases are classified as types of diseases that can heal by themselves if you have a strong immune system. But it is more advisable for patients to go to the doctor.

This is done in order to speed up the healing process and prevent unwanted things from happening.


Are These Diseases Dangerous ?

For people who have strong immunity, this disease is classified as not so dangerous and can heal by itself. But it's a different story if certain people who are infected are people who have weak immunity, such as people who have auto-immunity and pregnant women.

This disease can be very dangerous for them. This disease can harm their body. For example, if this disease attacks pregnant women, it can cause health problems that are quite fatal and can even lead to the death of the baby in the womb ( miscarriage ) or a baby with birth defects.

That's why sufferers are strongly advised to see a doctor, they still have to see a doctor even though they have strong immune systems. This is so that the sufferer recovers quickly and avoids other bad possibilities.


How To Prevent Cats From Eating Or Licking Our Food ?

Preventing cats from eating our food is quite easy to do. You can use the following ways to prevent cats from eating your food :

  • Feed the cat until it is full

  • Cage the cat in a cage or a certain room

  • Do not carelessly put food

  • Cover food with a food cover if you want to leave food, even if only for a moment

  • Place food in a place that is closed and out of reach of cats

  • Don't forget to lock the cupboard where food is stored because some cats are good at opening cupboards.

  • Make sure there are no cats in the house


Maybe that's all the discussion about the dangers if we accidentally eat food that cat bites or cat licks and things related to them. With this article, hopefully it can help you in answering questions that arise regarding this matter.

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