
How To Dispose Cat Litter Sand ? Here's The Answer !

For domestic cats, a litter box is usually provided as a place for the cat to defecate and urinate, but this Litter Box cannot be used if the box is not first filled with cat littersand. Cat litter sand is a special type of sand which is widely sold in the market.


How To Dispose Cat Litter Sand

We can easily find this sand in pet shops or in our favorite online shops. The price varies from the price of  5 dollars for the size of 10 litters, 10 dollars for the size of 25 litters and so on. This cat litter itself can be used for one month for the use of one cat.

Meanwhile, if the number of cats in the house is too many, the duration of using cat litter sand will be shorter and sometimes it only lasts for 1 week or only one day.

Now when cat litter sand can no longer be used, it is mandatory for us to throw away cat litter sand so that the litter box is clean again and the house does not smell bad. Then where is this cat litter sand thrown away? Good Readers can find out by reading Angora's article below :


Benefits Of Cat Sand

Before going into the main discussion, there's nothing wrong with discussing a little about the benefits of cat sand. Some of the benefits of cat sand include :

  • Easy to clean

  • Environmentally friendly because it is made of organic materials

  • Easy to recycle

  • Makes it easier for cats to defecate and urinate

  • Suppresses the foul or pungent odor caused by cat feces or urine

  • Some quality cat sand products are not only able to eliminate odors, they can even scent the room

  • Capable of absorbing liquids from cat poop or urine

  • Made from organic ingredients so it is safe if accidentally swallowed by a cat

  • Some products can be used after washing again

  • If swallowed by a cat, the sand will not be absorbed by the body but will come out of the body in its entirety


How Long Can Cat Sand Be Used ?

If you only have one cat, then generally cat sand can be used for a week or more before finally being replaced with another cat sand. Meanwhile, if you keep a lot of cats, the time to use cat sand will be shorter.

Cat sand that can no longer be used because it is too smelly and wet must be replaced with new cat litter sand. For some types of cat sand such as zeolite, bentonite, silica sand and so on, this sand can still be reused after washing again.

Sand that is not used or cannot be reused needs to be thrown away so as not to interfere with the health of the cat and the owner and to keep the house clean and fragrant.


Then Where Is The Cat's Litter Sand Thrown Away ?

Sand that can no longer be used and is dirty and smells, of course, we have to throw it away. For those who are experienced, of course, they already know where to throw cat sand, but for those who have just used cat litter sand, they certainly don't know where to throw cat sand.

Then where should this cat litter sand be thrown? You can throw cat litter sand in the trash. Put the cat litter sand in a plastic bag tightly so that the smell does not come out. Make sure to use 2 plastic bags so that the plastic is strong and not easily torn and so that the stench is less noticeable.


What If You Throw Cat Sand Into The WC ?

Throwing cat litter sand into the toilet is not recommended. Because this can make the sewage tank full because it is filled with sand that cannot be decomposed quickly in the sewage tank.

This will result in problems such as clogged toilets, stagnant toilet water, damaged sewer pipes and so on. You should reconsider this if you don't want your toilet to be in trouble because you throw cat litter sand in the toilet.


Are There Any Other Alternatives To Disposing Of Cat Litter Sand In A Plastic Bag ?

You can use organic cat sand which is made from wood powder and the like and you don't need to throw it away. You can use it by processing it into a good compass fertilizer for pet plants around the house.

If you are lazy to turn it into compass fertilizer, you can burn the organic cat sand along with the household waste that you have previously collected in one place. You can get rid of cat littersand while keeping your house clean by burning trash along with the cat litter sand.

Alternatively, you can throw organic cat sand along with its feces just under the plants around the house, you can also put organic sand in plant pots. Over time this organic sand will decompose into natural fertilizer which can fertilize the soil.

It's just that the drawback is that it takes longer for this material to decompose compared to making it as compass fertilizer. Maybe that's the only alternative we can do with cat litter sand other than throwing it in the trash.

Now for inorganic cat sand there is no other alternative that can be done because this sand is made of chemical compounds and it is very difficult to use it or recycle it. The only option left for us is to throw the cat litter sand in a plastic bag in the trash.


Maybe that's all the discussion related to cat litter sand and where to throw cat litter sand. With this article, hopefully it can make you understand and understand where cat litter sand should be thrown away.

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