
5 Causes Why Cats After Eating Immediately Poop

As we know, cats are animals that have a variety of unique behaviors. The unique behavior of this cat itself often makes the owner surprised, confused or laughing out loud. Talking about cat behavior that makes us wonder, one of these behaviors is the cat poops after he eats.


Cat Poops After Eating

This does not just happen once in a while but in most cats this happens often. Seeing a cat that often poops after eating will certainly make us wonder and raise the question in our hearts "why does a cat poop after eating immediately" ? Is this a disease and is this normal for a pet cat ?

So, to answer all these questions, Good Readers must read Angora's writing below. Read Angora's explanations below until it's finished, Good Readers.


5 Reasons Why Cats After Eating Immediately Poop

Your cat after eating immediately pooped ? Don't worry, your cat isn't the only one experiencing this. Many pet cats out there have experienced the same thing. Most of these cats will poop after they eat.

For cats this is something that is not strange and normal. Cats poop after eating due to certain causes and the cause is usually not because the cat is sick. What are the causes you can see below :

1. Fill Cat Stomach Full

The first cause is a cat's stomach contents are full. A cat whose stomach feels full then to make the contents of the cat's stomach loose again, the cat needs to remove the dirt from his body by doing Poops. It happens that after your cat eats, its stomach is full.

This makes the cat have to remove the contents of his stomach. That's why not infrequently we see, cats that are just ready to eat immediately walk in a hurry to the litter box to poop.

So, if your cat is in a hurry to go to the litter box to poop, then you can be sure that the cat's stomach is full so he has to poop.


2. Cats Eat Too Full

Even though the cat's stomach is still loose, if the cat eats too much until he feels very full, the cat may feel the urge to defecate as soon as he finishes eating.

This occurs due to a small amount of food in the stomach which has been processed into feces, forced out by the body with the aim of loosening the contents of the stomach. As a result, the cat will inevitably become eager to poop after he eats.


3. It's Time For Cats To Poops

Some cats have regular bowel movements. There are regular bowel movements in the morning there are also regular bowel movements in the afternoon or evening. The cat's habit or regularity to litter is one of the reasons why cats often poop after eating.

When the cat has finished eating, this coincides with the time the cat usually poops. A cat who feels that it is time to poop will decide to go to the litter box to defecate some time after he is finished with his food.


4. Just Coincidence

Cats pooping after eating may just be a coincidence and when it happens, we also happen to be there to witness it. This makes us feel that after eating cats always poop is something that is classified as strange.

Incidents like this must have been experienced by all cat lovers, including Angora himself. Angora once saw her own pet cat always pooped after eating. Initially Angora felt that the cat might be having problems with its digestion.

Because cats always poop after pooping and this happens when Angora is there. But the next day onwards the cat no longer pooped after eating. From there, Angora concluded that the cat just happened to poop after eating.

And coincidentally, Angora was there to see it, so Angora misunderstood and thought the cat's health was problematic.

5. Cats Have Digestive Problems

When a cat has digestive problems, the cat will poop or defecate more often than usual. The frequency of poop cats can even be 2 or 3 times more than healthy cats. That's why cats who have digestive problems often will also poop some time after the cat has finished eating.

Digestive problems in cats themselves can be caused by several things, such as :

  • Inappropriate food

  • Virus infection

  • Bacterial infection

  • Parasite attacks such as roundworms and others in cats


Not only does the frequency of cats defecate increase, the shape of cat feces will also change. Cat feces can turn into soft, semi-soft, very soft, become liquid, become slimy and even the worst is bloody cat litter.

If you find that your cat's feces have changed and the cat often defecates more than 2 or 3 times a day, then you should immediately take the cat for examination and treatment to the nearest vet in your city.


Is This Dangerous To Cat Health ?

This is harmless to cats and you can ignore it, cats that immediately poops after eating based on Angora's experience have no impact on cat health at all. The proof is that Angora's own pet cat is in good health.

So you don't have to worry about this. With a note that the cause of the cat pooping after eating is not because the cat has problems with its organs or digestive tract or because the cat has a virus , bacterial or parasitic infection.

You only need to worry when your cat often poops after eating because he has digestive problems. When you feel that this is due to digestive problems, it is recommended to take the cat to the vet for treatment.


Can Cats Be Prevented From Pooping After Eating ?

Unfortunately we can't prevent it. Although we do various things to prevent cats from pooping after eating. In the end, it's natural for cats to still poop when their bodies want them to.


Maybe that's all the discussion about 5 reasons why cats after eating immediately poop and things related to them. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfactory answer.

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