
Do male cats know and love their kittens? Here's the explanation!

Humans and cats have a lot in common. One of them is the process of breeding which both give birth and also breastfeed.In addition, humans and cats also have a love for the children they give birth to. We can see this affection from how the mother cat takes good care of her children.


Do Male Cats Love Their Kittens


Starting from cleaning their children's bodies, cleaning the dirt attached to their bodies, keeping them warm, breastfeeding them and even protecting them from predators. Then what about the male cats who became their parents ?

Do male cats who become their parents also have affection and are able to recognize their children as shown by female mothers ?

To overcome your curiosity and so that you get a satisfactory answer to this. Good Readers can listen to Angora's writing below until the end.


Do Male Cats Recognize And Love Their Kittens ?

As explained above that the mother cat will recognize and love her children. But what about male cats? Will male cats also behave similarly to female cats ?

The answer is no, male cats will not recognize their kittens even though the kittens are their own flesh and blood and even male cats who are their own parents can become natural predators for newborn kittens.

Based on the age of the kitten, generally the attitude of the male cat will also vary depending on the age of the kitten itself. The following are some of the common attitudes shown by male cats based on the age of the male kittens :

Baby Cats Age 0 To 1 Month

When the kitten is 0 to 1 month old, it is best to keep the kitten away from the male cat even if the male cat is its own parent. Keep away and don't let the male cat approach the kitten at all. Because usually male cats will pounce on male kittens to death.

Some of them ate the kittens to death, some just ate the kitten's head and some of them just pounced to death and then left the kittens alone. Adult male cats will generally only pounce on male kittens, because they think these children will become their enemies when they grow up and must be removed now.

Although only male kittens are often preyed upon by adult male cats. It is also possible that female kittens can become targets for adult male cats.


Kittens Age 1 To 2 Months

At this age the kitten may already be able to walk and run to and fro. But will a cat at this age not be preyed upon by an adult male cat? The answer is no, kittens will still be preyed upon by adult male cats.

And of course most of the targets are male kittens and rarely female cats are targeted. At this age the probability of a kitten being preyed upon by an adult male cat is 60: 40. 60% is left alive and the rest is preyed to death.


Kittens Age 2 To 3 Months

At the age of 2 to 3 months there is still a possibility that kittens will still be preyed upon by adult male cats, especially male kittens. The probability is about 80%. So, keep an eye on your kitten so that it doesn't fall prey to and keep the kitten as far as possible from the reach of adult male cats.

Kittens Age 3 Months And Over

Well at this age you may be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Because usually adult male cats will not prey on kittens at this age. Even when the kitten is close to an adult male cat, the cat will not eat it. An adult male cat will only scold him or even lick the body of a kitten that is close to him.

Licking a cat is one of the most common interactions between cats. The goal is to clean the cat's body that was licked as well as affection.


Kittens Age 1 Year And Over

When a kitten has reached the age of 1 year, it means that the cat will be considered an adult by other cats. Female and male cats of this age will usually be ready to marry. Older cats will usually consider female kittens of this age to be mated.

Meanwhile, male kittens of a similar age will begin to be considered enemies by older male cats. The male cat will start attacking the kitten and try to get him out of the house. This attitude will also be carried out by the male who is the cat's own parent.

If the kitten is scared, it is not uncommon for the kitten to run away and never come back home. To overcome this, there is only one thing we can do as owners, which is to sterilize cats. Adult male cats that have been sterilized will usually change their attitude.

From those who were very angry and like to fight against the males around him. Now it will turn out to be friendly and not like fighting.


How To Sterilize Cats So Cats Don't Fight ?

After reading the explanation above you might think how to sterilize a cat? The method is quite easy, you only need to bring a male and female cat to be sterilized to the nearest vet. The costs that must be incurred may vary based on the type of cat breed.

It may range from 300-500 thousand for male cats and for female cats it ranges from 500 to 1 million. For complete details, you can directly ask the veterinarian in your city.

That's a discussion about whether the male cat knows his own child and whether he loves his own child. Hopefully this article adds to your insight and can be useful for you. If you find this article useful, don't forget to share it with relatives, other cat lovers and share it on your social accounts.

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