
5 Causes Cats Have Weak Back Feet

As someone who raises a cat we are not always in a pleasant situation. Sometimes we will be faced with a situation where our cat experiences sudden illness. One example of a disease that sometimes appears suddenly is a cat's hind legs that hurt and look weak.


my cats back legs seem weak


Because of the weakness of the cat's legs, it looks as if the cat is experiencing a partially paralyzed condition, namely in its hind legs The weak and paralyzed hind legs make it difficult for the cat to walk, which makes the cat walk like a slouch or prefer to stay still all day.

This will certainly make us as owners feel sorry for the condition of the cat and worry that cat disease is a dangerous disease. If this disease is left alone then the possibility of the back legs that look weak earlier can turn into permanent paralysis.

Generally weak or paralyzed legs while this is more common in the back legs of cats. But that doesn't mean the cat's front legs can't hurt and become paralyzed for a moment. In addition to making it difficult for the cat to walk. 

This disease can also make it difficult for the cat to reach for food and drink and have difficulty when he wants to poop. Cats will choose to pee or poop where they are currently due to not being able to move to the litter box.

There are many ways to treat a cat that is weak on its hind legs. Starting from medical treatment to alternative medicine such as traditional medicine. Those who don't have the funds are more likely to choose alternative medicine to treat cat leg pain, but as a cat lover, I prefer cats with weak hind legs to be taken to the vet.

Because medical treatment is considered more effective and accelerates the healing process compared to taking alternative medicine. To get to know more about the disease of the back of the cat's legs being weak and paralyzed, please refer to Angora's explanation below.


5 Causes Of Cats Weak Back Leg Pain

First identify the reason why the cat's legs suddenly become weak, weak or suddenly paralyzed before we give treatment to the cat. By knowing the cause, we can provide the right treatment so that the healing process can take a shorter time and save money in the pocket.

What are the reasons why the cat's hind legs are weak, weak or suddenly paralyzed? Here are 5 causes :

1. In A Vehicle Crash

When your cat goes wandering and returns home suddenly the hind legs become weak, weak and as if paralyzed, this could be the cause of your cat being hit by a passing vehicle. I used to live in a house close to a residential road (not a highway).

At that time I let my cat wander freely, because I felt the road was safe because vehicles rarely crossed. One day my cat came back home running. At first the condition of the cat's legs was normal, then a few hours later I realized that my cat's legs were weak and seemed to be paralyzed.

I believe that this is because he was hit by a passing motorbike. Because just before he ran into the house, I heard the sound of a motorbike passing in front of the house.


2. Distemper Disease

Distemper is a disease that can cause cats to stagger due to weakened hind legs. This disease can also be the cause of sudden paralysis of the cat's legs. This disease is a disease caused by a viral infection. So if your cat's legs are suddenly weak and paralyzed.

It could be because he is suffering from stemper disease. To be more sure, you can bring your cat to be checked first for the type of disease to the vet so we know whether the exact cause is distemper or not.


3. Congenital

Congenital factors can also be the reason why the cat's legs are weak, weak or paralyzed. When a cat is born there are times when he is born with a disability or is born imperfect.


4. Accident

In addition to being hit by a vehicle, accidents can also make a cat's legs hurt and paralyzed. Like a cat falling down on its own while playing from a height, a cat's feet hit the wall strongly when fighting and playing or receive a hard hit in the leg area intentionally from an irresponsible person.

Weak or paralyzed cat feet are related to cat feet that have suffered nerve damage or trauma that changes the condition of the cat's feet.


5. Geriatrics

Geriatrics is paralysis that occurs due to the aging of the cat. Just like humans, the older the cat, the weaker the bones in the body, especially in the hands and feet. Therefore, as the cat gets older it will be more difficult to walk and can experience paralysis.


How to Treat a Paralyzed Cat ?

Now that we know what are the causes of why cats suddenly have weak or limp legs, the next step is to choose the right treatment method to treat our beloved cat. Some of the ways of treatment that can be done include treatment using drugs or traditional. These methods include :

1. Walking Therapy

Same with humans who do walking therapy because they have problems with weak legs or paralysis of the legs due to accidents or diseases. Cats with the same condition also need walking therapy. However, what is different about cat walking therapy is only when the cat wants to walk.

Like a cat wants to go to the litter box to urinate or defecate. The sign when the cat wants to walk is usually the cat will meow or mumble and force its body to move. When the cat wants to walk, lift its body then let it try to move its hind legs while slowly shifting its body to its destination.

Do this regularly every time the cat wants to move in the hope that the cat's condition will get better.


2. Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture is a traditional treatment using needles and inserting them into the painful area. Many people believe that this therapy can cure paralyzed cats. Acupuncture therapy is usually done on cats with severe foot conditions but do not heal despite medical treatment and taking a lot of drugs.

This therapy is safe to do to cure paralyzed cats. Acupuncture therapy works by increasing the body's immune and red blood cells as well as the function of the body's organs. Acupuncture can also relax the body parts.

When the cat is doing acupuncture therapy, you should hold the cat firmly because the cat may rebel.


3. Massaging Cat's Feet

If the legs are weak, weak or paralyzed in cats, it is not too severe. the cat is still taking drugs and not getting better. You can massage the cat's paw to fix it.

Do massage on the paralyzed leg slowly and carefully. The goal is that the leg muscles that were previously stiff can be flexible again and the nerves will recover. Do this every day regularly to the cat.


4. Give Multivitamins

When the cat's leg hurts weak, weak, paralyzed or limping. Usually the cat will lose its appetite. Even though a sick cat needs energy and nutrients from food to help it recover quickly. Therefore it is necessary for us to provide multivitamins and appetite enhancers.

It aims to restore the cat's appetite, keep the cat healthy and increase its immune system.


5. Go To The Vet For Treatment

When a cat whose legs are weak, sick or paralyzed does not go away after we do various traditional therapies and give chemical drugs. Then the last step we can do is take the cat to the vet. Because maybe this cat's condition is the reason the cat was hit by a vehicle or had an accident that resulted in serious injury to his leg.

The doctor will operate on the cat if the cause is the above. But if the cause is a disease caused by viruses, bacteria and the like, the doctor will only give drugs to treat or alleviate the condition of the cat's disease.


What If It Turns Out That The Cat Has Distemper ?

A cat's legs are weak, sore, weak or paralyzed can occur due to distemper. So what if the cat is suffering from distemper? Maybe we have to be patient with our cat's condition and keep doing routine treatment because there is no cure for distemper until now.

Routine treatment is done to relieve pain or pain in the cat's feet. You can also make a cat who suffers from distemper a walker so that the cat can move even though it only uses its front paws to move. Those are some of the causes of cat back leg pain, weakness, weakness or paralysis.

With this article, hopefully it can help you understand about sudden temporary or permanent paralysis of cat's feet, add to your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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