
Cats Eat Cockroaches, Is it Dangerous ? This is the explanation !

As carnivorous animals, cats love to play while hunting animals that can be preyed upon by them. Usually the target animals for their prey are small animals such as lizards, lizards, crickets, mice and the like.


Cats Eat Cockroaches


After a cat catches its prey like a cockroach, sometimes it just plays with its prey and then leaves it, there are also those who play with it first and then eat it or after getting the prey immediately eat it.

However, even though cats are carnivorous animals, cats are one of the friendly and tame animals and easily adapt to humans. This is one of the facts about cats that make them a lot of pets.


Have You Ever Seen Your Cat Eat A Cockroach ?

Maybe the answer is often or rarely, but the point is that cats have eaten cockroaches. Sometimes, no matter how clean our house is, there must be cockroaches that we or our cats find. These cockroaches can come from inside or outside our homes.

When we see a cat eating a cockroach, immediately grab the cockroach from the cat's mouth or grip and throw it as far as possible or where the cat can't find it.


Why Do Cats Like To Catch Cockroaches ?

Cats love catching cockroaches because cats are naturally training their wild hunting instincts. This is a natural impulse that comes from the wild instincts and carnivorous nature of the cat itself. This is very natural for kittens and adult cats to do.

For kittens catching cockroaches and similar animals is done with the aim of playing while training their body muscles. Even though the kitten catches this animal for the purpose of playing, it is not uncommon for the kitten to eat the cockroach that he catches after he finishes playing with it.


What To Do When We See A Cat Hunting Or Eating A Cockroach ?

When you accidentally see your beloved cat eating a cockroach, immediately take the cockroach that is or is about to be eaten. Throw away the cockroach or place the cockroach in a place that can not be reached by the beloved cat.

You need to know that cats eating cockroaches can be at risk of poisoning and experiencing digestive problems. Poisoning is caused by a cockroach that has just been sprayed with insecticide and eaten by a cat.

While the problem of digestive disorders occurs due to bacteria contained in the body of cockroaches.


Can Cats Eat Cockroaches ?

Maybe some people say that a cat that eats a cockroach will not cause any harm to the cat and that it is okay for a cat to eat it. But Angora himself thinks that cockroaches are dangerous animals when eaten by cats.

Whether it's raw or grilled, cockroaches are still dangerous in my opinion and should not be eaten by cats. Moreover, cockroaches have many harmful pathogenic bacteria that can cause cats to become sick if cats eat them.

So if you don't want your cat to get sick, better when the cat wants to eat a cockroach, throw the cockroach away from it.


Is It Dangerous For Cats To Eat Cockroaches ?

As I explained above that it is dangerous for cats to consume cockroaches. The body of a cockroach contains a lot of bacteria that are harmful to cats. In his own body there are 33 types of pathogenic bacteria that are harmful to humans.

Cockroaches can cause diseases such as urinary tract infections, digestive disorders, and even poisoning. A similar effect of course will also be experienced by a cat whenever he eats it. The urinary tract will be infected, the cat will have stomach ache, intestinal worms, diarrhea and the like.

This occurs due to bacteria that enter the cat's body after he eats a cockroach.


Are There Any Special Signs That A Cat Is Sick After Eating A Cockroach ?

Some of the signs that may appear when a cat is sick after eating a cockroach are usually symptoms similar to those of a cat getting sick after eating crickets. Some of the signs or symptoms that may appear include :

  • Presence of Fever.

  • Cats Look Weak.

  • Don't want to eat at all

  • Stomach ache

  • Removing Saliva and Mouth Like Foaming

  • Vomiting Often

  • Cats Become Very Quiet

In order to be sure that the cat is really sick from eating cockroaches, at least we need to make sure there are 4-5 of the above characteristics that appear in our pet cats.


Cats Are Sick After Eating Cockroaches, The Solution ?

The first aid for cats to eat cockroaches when the cat is sick from poisoning is that you can use coconut water or bear milk. The type of poisoning that can be cured from both methods is a mild type of poisoning.

If it turns out that the cat is seriously poisoned and is sick, you should immediately take the cat to the nearest vet for immediate treatment. The doctor will examine the cat and provide the right medication and treatment according to the type of disease the cat is suffering from.

Sometimes there are also cats who do not experience health problems because they have just eaten a cockroach. But suddenly he fell ill suddenly. This could be not because the cat eats a cockroach but because it is exposed to diseases such as calici, being hit by a car and so on.


Can Cats Eating Cockroaches Die ?

Yes you can. If the cat is sick after eating cockroaches and is left alone without us treating it, it is not uncommon for cats to die from cockroaches. Death occurs because we are negligent, we don't know the cat is sick or we don't know what disease the cat is suffering from and just give medicine to the cat.

To avoid death in sick cats after eating cockroaches, you should take the cat to the vet for immediate treatment.


Why Does My Cat Not Get Sick Or Die After Eating Cockroaches ?

This is not because the cockroaches are safe for consumption and do not cause disease. But because your cat has a strong body and immune system. So that your cat will not get sick or sick for a while and then heal on its own.

Cats with strong bodies and immunity can even recover from dangerous diseases and there is no cure, such as panleukopenia and similar diseases.


Benefits of Cats Hunting Cockroaches Are There ?

Actually, there are many good benefits that cats can get when they are hunting but do not eat cockroaches. Here are some of the benefits of hunting cockroaches for cats.

Train Muscles And Increase Stamina

Cats will move their legs and body muscles when they are trying to catch a cockroach that appears in front of them. Cats will also run here and there and jump up and down to get cockroaches. The activity of hunting cockroaches in cats will naturally train their muscles and increase their stamina.


Train And Maintain Cat's Wild Instinct

Hunting small animals such as cockroaches, crickets, lizards and the like is a cat's way to maintain and hone his wild instincts. Domestic cats keep their wild instincts so that when they are in the wild they will be able to survive by eating the animals they find around them.

The wild cat instinct will be very useful when a domestic cat gets lost, stolen by someone or thrown away by an irresponsible owner.


As A Gift

Cats are known as animals who often give gifts to their owners. One of the animals that is often made as a gift to the owner is a cockroach.

When a cat brings a cockroach to you, don't be too angry with it because this is a thank you gift to you for taking good care of and taking care of it.


To Be Used As A toy

Cats don't just hunt cockroaches to eat, but they often use this animal as a toy. When the cockroach doesn't move and it's not cool to play again. The cat will leave it and will not eat it at all.

That's an explanation of the dangers of cats eating cockroaches and what are the dangers of cats eating cockroaches or the effects of cats eating cockroaches. With this article, hopefully it can help you understand about cats eating cockroaches, add to your insight and can be useful for you.

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