
8 Dangers of Cats Eating Rice

Maybe there are some of us who keep domestic cats or maybe mixed breed cats (mixed cats). And usually those who keep this type of cat usually provide rice mixed with fish and the like as the main daily food for the cat. In fact, often only give rice as cat food.


Dangers of Cats Eating Rice


Actually this is not a problem for Angora and actually it is still better than letting the cat starve and not feeding the cat at all. It's just that this can be said to be less healthy, especially if the food provided is only rice and without side dishes.

For those of you who claim to be cat lovers, you should not do this kind of thing because just giving rice to eat cats can be dangerous for the cat. Cats can be at risk of experiencing various health problems that make cats suffer.

So what are the dangers of just giving rice without fish, eggs, shrimp and other side dishes? Read the full explanation here.


8 Dangers Of Cats Eating Rice

Feeding the cat rice is not dangerous if we just give the cat rice as a side, or feed the cat with rice mixed with fish or mixed with other foods.

What is dangerous is when we only feed the cat rice without a mixture of other foods and give it to the cat every day. Then what are the dangers of the impact of cats eating rice. Here are some of them :

1. Digestive Problems

For cats who are not used to being fed rice like the breed of cat. When they are fed rice their bodies will usually be sensitive to rice. Cats can experience vomiting and various digestive problems, such as constipation, diarrhea and the like.


2. Disrupts Cat Growth

Cats that are in their infancy or kittens should not only be fed rice, as much as possible mix rice with other foods such as fish, eggs, shrimp and the like. Or it is better to replace the rice with instant kitten food such as kitten dry food or kitten wet food.

Giving kittens just rice can make the cat's growth disrupted, as a result the cat will grow and develop slowly.


3. Nutritional Deficiency

Besides being able to interfere with the growth of kittens, giving rice continuously without being interspersed with other types of food can make the cat suffer from malnutrition. Maybe the cat's body from the outside can look healthy but in fact the cat is suffering from malnutrition on the inside.

My cat continues to be healthy even though it's only given rice, this writing is making it up ah. Maybe some of you think so after you read Angora's article which says that a cat that eats rice can be malnourished.

Take a good look at your cat, if he only eats the rice you give him, he definitely doesn't. Your cat will look for leftover food such as bones and other food scraps that are in your kitchen, trash cans and also from your neighbor's house.

This they do in an effort to fulfill their body's nutrition as well as fill their stomach. This is the reason why they look healthy, even though the cat's habit of scavenging for garbage can be at risk of making the cat suffer from digestive disorders due to parasites, bacteria and the like.


4. Rice Can Be Poison

Foods such as fried rice and other rice that have been mixed with herbs or spices can potentially be toxic if they enter the cat's body. That's why do not give rice that has been mixed with herbs or spices to the cat.

We recommend giving plain rice or white rice only if you want to give rice as food for our pet cats.


5. Affects Cat Hair Growth

Giving rice every day without mixing it with other foods and not mixed in the right proportions can affect the growth of cat hair. Just pay attention to the cat that is fed only rice, its fur will look duller, less dense and look less beautiful when compared to a cat that is given special cat food.

Of course it's different, you compare it to a domestic cat with a race cat. Even though we compare same-sex cats, for example, a village cat that is fed rice with a village cat that is given a special cat food.

You will see that the fur of a domestic cat with special cat food looks thicker, stronger, smoother and more beautiful.


6. Can Cause Cat Hair Loss

Eating rice can also cause cat hair to become weak and fall out easily. Actually the main cause is not because of the rice itself but the lack of fulfillment of protein which is one of the basics needed by cat hair due to only giving rice.

This condition is almost similar to humans who need protein content so that their hair is healthy and does not fall out easily.


7. Causes Skin Diseases In Cats

Generally, Indonesian people like to give rice to cats as food. Often they mix shrimp and salted fish into the rice before giving it to the cat. Giving rice with a mixture of seafood or similar foods such as shrimp, salted fish and others can cause the cat to suffer from itching or skin diseases.

However, this condition only occurs when the provision of rice mixed with salted fish, shrimp and others is given continuously every day. Or often given in a week to the cat. Angora can know because before keeping a race cat, Angora also kept a village cat.

And also happy to give salted fish mixed rice to cats because I like to eat salted fish, the price is cheap and cats don't hate it. But now this habit is no longer done often considering the dangers of skin diseases that can occur in cats due to frequent feeding.


8. Less Healthy

Many veterinarians argue that giving rice is less healthy. In addition to the lack of nutrients that cats get from the rice mixture, giving cats food to eat rice is also considered impractical and inconvenient.

This thought does not only exist in the view of the Indonesian people but also Caucasians of this opinion.


So Is It Possible / Can Give Rice To Cats To Eat ?

So can cats eat rice? It's okay to give a cat to eat rice, no one forbids it. For those of you who have a mediocre budget but still want to keep a cat at home, you can give the cat rice mixed with other foods such as sea fish, rivers, eggs, meat, etc. as cat food. Make sure to set the appropriate portion and change the food mix every day.


Can Kittens Eat Rice ?

It's okay as long as it's not just giving the kittens to eat rice. Must mix it with other foods that are liked and good for cats, one example is fish. However, there is a minimum age limit for new kittens to be fed rice.

At least the cat is over 2 months old, then the kitten can eat rice and fish. Because cats that are still young and still under 2 months will usually have difficulty eating rice. Angora often finds kittens that when they are eating rice the top of their mouth gets stuck in rice.

It's true that just getting stuck doesn't do any harm, it's just that the kitten pulls out its claws and accidentally scratches its face, mouth and insides to get rid of the stuck rice.

Often kittens fail to get rid of stuck rice and make them scratch and make strange and chewing noises as a result of trying to get the rice out of their mouths. For those who have given kittens under the age of 2 months of rice, of course, they understand what Angora said just now.

This condition will make the kitten disturbed and also make us feel uncomfortable seeing it. Not only that, I also think that rice is still difficult for kittens to digest and can make kittens constipated.


How To Give Rice To Cats So They Don't Interfere With Their Growth And Health ?

Make sure you give plain white rice and the mixture is food that has not been seasoned or spiced so as not to harm the cat. And change the rice mixture every day. Once a week also give special cat food for cats.

You can do the above method so that your cat stays healthy even though it is given rice, even so Angora still recommends giving cat food if you really have an extra budget.


Are There Dangers Or Other Diseases Caused By Rice ?

Apart from those mentioned above, it seems that there are no more dangers or other diseases that might arise from giving rice to cats. If you forget something, you can comment below so Angora can happily add it to this article.

That's an explanation of some of the dangers of eating rice for cats and whether cats can eat rice. With this article, hopefully it can help you understand the dangers of eating rice for cats, add to your knowledge and can be useful for you.

Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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