
7 Reasons Why Cats Don't Want To Eat And Drink And How To Overcome Them

There may be times when a once healthy and active cat suddenly becomes more sleepy. Maybe if it's limited to just sleeping often, there's nothing to worry about. It's just that the problem is that the cat often sleeps and doesn't want to eat and drink water at all.


Cats Don't Want To Eat And Drink


As a good master, of course, this change in the attitude and behavior of our pets, especially sleeping activities, a cat that used to love to eat now doesn't want to eat and doesn't want to drink will make us worried. Because often the cause of this condition is the result of disease. Ranging from mild disease to the most severe disease.

Even if the cause of the disease is a minor illness, we should not take it lightly. Because even death can occur in cats with mild cases of illness, this is often the result of owners who neglect their cat's health and underestimate the minor illnesses suffered by the pet cat.

That is why we need to detect early on what is the main cause of this cat's condition that does not want to eat or drink at all. Once we know it we will be able to take appropriate steps to overcome it.

So what are the reasons why cats don't have an appetite and drink? Check out the full explanation below.


7 Causes Cats Won't Eat And Drink

Here are some reasons why cats often sleep, don't want to eat and don't want to drink Angora's version :

1. The Weather Is Too Cold

Just like humans, when the weather is too cold, even cats will become lazy to eat and drink. Not only that, cats will negate all their daily activities and prefer to sleep. This usually happens in the rainy season, winter or winter.

Usually this is not too dangerous for the cat and the cat will save more energy due to sleeping more often. My own cat during the rainy season and the weather is very cold, they often lie down and sometimes don't want to eat because they are lazy to move. But when the weather is no longer cold, the cat returns to normal and is diligent in eating and drinking.

The problem is if the cat is still lazy to eat and doesn't want to drink and sleeps more often even after the weather is hot again, it can be ascertained that there is a problem with our cat's health.


 2. Depression Or Stress

Cats who are depressed or stressed will generally be very lazy to eat and drink. This is also marked by changes in the attitude and behavior of cats such as cats that were friendly, cheerful and active now tend to be quiet, lazy to move, often avoid their masters or humans and have no appetite and rarely drink.


3. Lust

Cats that are in love or in heat can also make cats refuse to eat and drink. Cats will focus more on finding females and wandering here and there looking for females to mate. When male cats are in heat they often rarely come home and only come home when they want to eat or drink only.

Even when they are served food, they will seem indifferent and don't even intend to eat it at all. Usually lustful cats will only eat and drink once or twice a day. Similar to male cats, female cats who are in heat will also be lazy to eat and drink.


4. Consequences Of Food

Even food can be the reason why the cat won't eat. The food served may not be according to the cat's taste, for example the food served is less fragrant in the cat's nose and difficult to chew.

Once, when Anggora replaced Bolt's cat food in the form of tuna to Bolt in the form of a donut, suddenly some of my cats didn't want to eat it. At that time I was confused, fortunately at that time there was still a tuna bolt left and then I immediately gave it to the cat who didn't want to eat earlier.

As a result, the cat eats voraciously as usual. From there, I concluded that some of my cats' donut-shaped bolt food might be difficult to chew or smell less fragrant. That's why they don't want to eat.

The type of food also affects cats who suffer from thrush, inflammation of the mouth and throat. If the food is hard to chew and hard, the cat with this disorder will prefer not to eat and only drink.


5. Consequences Of Drinks

The drinks served also affect cats who don't want to drink. The picky nature of humans is also present in cats. Cats will prefer not to drink at all rather than drinking water that is smelly, dirty or discolored.


6. Get Sick

A sick cat will prefer to stay still and sleep. Because when he is sick, the cat feels that his body condition is heavy and uncomfortable. In addition, cats will also lose their appetite and rarely drink.

A sick cat is usually characterized by :

  • Changes in behavior such as from being active to being quiet and sleeping more often

  • There are signs of disease that appear on the body such as shortness of breath, nose and eyes discharge and the like

  • The cat's body is getting thinner

  • The cat's eyes are losing their light more and more

  • Difficulty moving

  • Don't want to eat

  • Don't want to drink

  • Don't want to eat, just want to drink



7. Poisoning

Poisoning can also be the main reason why our cats become unwilling to eat and drink. Cats are usually exposed to poison when he plays outdoors and accidentally eat plants, mice, insects that have been sprayed with anti-pest poisons such as pesticides or insecticides.

The most visible characteristic of a poisoned cat is the cat's mouth drooling or like foaming. Over time the cat's mouth will turn black and smelly. Not only that, if the poisoning is severe enough, the poisoned cat can have convulsions and die on the spot.


How To Solve The Problem Of Cats Not Wanting To Eat And Drink ?

How do you treat a cat that doesn't want to eat and drink? The trick is simple, just find out what the main reason is and then do the appropriate treatment, for example the cat is in heat, just find a partner for him.

If the cat turns out to be lazy to eat because the food is difficult to chew or doesn't suit his taste, just switch to a type of food that smells better and is easy for the cat's teeth to chew. To detect the cause, you can see the 7 reasons cats don't want to eat and drink above, then if you find the main cause, you just have to look for the appropriate type of treatment.

In the case of a cat who is stricken with disease, it is best to immediately take him to the doctor for immediate treatment. Our swift action will make the cat recover faster and reduce the risk of death. The cost of treating a sick cat itself varies depending on the type of illness itself.

If the disease turns out to be mild then you only need to pay starting from 50 thousand and a maximum of 100 thousand. Meanwhile, for severe disease, it ranges from over 100 thousand to millions because it may require in-depth medical actions such as surgery, expensive drugs, certain injections and the like.

Even a poisoned cat should be taken to the vet immediately, but if the poisoning condition is not so severe then you can treat it yourself at home with coconut water or bear's milk.

Thus the discussion about the reasons why cats do not want to eat and drink and how to overcome them. Hopefully this article is useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, other cat lovers or to your social media accounts.

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