
6 Advantages of Short Tailed Cats You Should Know

Cats with short tails are a type of cat that is unique according to Angora itself. Because these cats have very short and rounded tails that make them look different from similar cats.\There are also fewer short-tailed cats than medium-tail or long-tailed cats.


Short Tailed Cats


Whether it's a foreign cat or a domestic cat, the existence of this cat between these two races can be counted on a finger count.

Like in the neighborhood where I live where there are only 2 cats with short tails, the rest are cats with medium and long tails. Maybe you are one of the cat owners who has a cat with a short tail or maybe you have just intended to adopt a short-tail cat like the Japanese bobtail cat.


What Are the Advantages Of Short Tailed Cats ?

The cat's tail is one part of the cat's body that can be used to identify the cat's emotions, as the uniqueness of cats such as the Angora cat which is nicknamed the duster tail cat and so on.

So what about cats that have short tails like the Japanese bobtail cat? What are the functions or advantages of a short cat tail? To find out, consider the advantages of short tail cats below :

1. More Mysterious

As we know that we can use the cat's tail to detect the cat's emotions. Emotions that are usually shown by cats include :

  • Cats are happy he will wag his tail repeatedly left and right

  • Angry cat will erect and spread its tail

  • Cats who are disturbed while going to sleep will stomp their tail slightly up and down.

  • A cat that is afraid of something will usually be the same as an angry cat, only that the cat will tend to walk backwards when its tail is erect and act scared

  • The cat is cold, the fur on its tail will appear slightly fluffy and the cat will sleep hugging its tail to warm its body. The rising of the tail is similar to the rising of the hairs on the neck when humans are frightened or cold.

So what about cats with short tails? Of course we will have difficulty knowing his emotions due to his short tail. Of course this makes the cat more mysterious and difficult to guess. Yep like the doi who can't guess what he wants hehehe.


2. Different From The Others Unique Alias

Why do many foreign people keep a Japanese bob tail cat? Of course because of the uniqueness of the tail. The short tail makes the cat different from the others. This is one of the reasons why some people keep short tail cats.

This makes us different from the rest and it's also funny to keep a short tail cat whose tail is almost non-existent and looks like it is rounded. If you really intend to keep a short tail cat like the Japanese bob tail cat, then this advantage can be one of the strong reasons for you to immediately adopt it.


3. Looks More Cute And Looks Like A Rabbit

For those of you who are used to keeping cats with medium or long tails, when you see a cat with a short tail, it will look cuter and different in your eyes. Especially when the cat is jumping around in the yard while he is hunting for insects, at first glance the cat looks like a rabbit

This is because he jumps like a rabbit and has a short, rounded tail like a rabbit. Take a look for yourself, for sure you will feel the same way as Angora did. Oh yeah, I also meet a short tail cat every time, I like to joke around by saying to the cat, hey, where's your tail, why isn't there? where did you hide your tail ?

I said smiling at the cat. The joke above came out because I was annoyed with the cat due to its short and cute tail.


4. Cats Can't Be Bullied By Their Tails

Maybe you are cat lovers who still have toddlers or young children. Even though we have often advised and forbade our children not to pull the cat's tail because it could hurt them, sometimes they still do it.

This may not be because they have bad intentions, it may just be that they want to catch a cat to pet and love them. The only thing that is caught is their tail, as a result they pull the cat's tail until they can reach the cat's body.

By keeping a cat with a short tail, you can prevent other people or your child from accidentally or accidentally hurting the cat by pulling the tail.


5. Refuting The Tail As A Counterbalance Theory

You must have read about the function of the tail in cats. There it is written that the cat's tail serves as a balance for the cat's body when they are walking on narrow streets or a balance when they land on the ground after jumping.

Even a cat with a very short tail can do all these things. Maybe logically if the cat's tail is very short of course this will greatly affect the cat's balance when walking down a narrow road.

But apparently not, Anggora himself often sees my short-tailed cat walking along the edge of the narrow and steep roof of the house with ease, he walks as if the conditions in which he is walking do not bother him at all.


6. Good Friends

The last advantage of short-tailed cats is that they can be used as pets and good friends. Indeed, all cats can be made as pets as well as good friends, it's just that short tail cats can be said to be unique friends.

This is because of his physical shape, unpredictable attitude, funny and certainly difficult to prank because of the existence of a fairly short tail.


How To Keep A Short Tailed Cat ?

Keeping a cat and caring for a cat with a short tail is actually the same as caring for a domestic cat or race cat. The method is as follows :

  • Vaccinating cats

  • Provide healthy and nutritious cat food

  • Routinely bathe the cat at least once a month a maximum of 2 weeks

  • Diligently combing cat hair

  • Provide litter box and cat drink

  • Diligently clean the cat's cage or room

  • Diligently interact with cats (such as stroking, petting and playing with them)

  • Treating a cat when he is sick

  • Provide cat milk and cat vitamins as additional nutrition and immune booster for him

  • And many others

Maybe that's all the discussion about the advantages of short tail cats. After reading this article, it might make you more confident about adopting a short-tailed cat or intending to adopt one. If you think this article is useful, don't forget to share it with relatives, other cat lovers and to your social media accounts.

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