
7 Reasons Why Do Male Cats Meow Loudly

Cats are pets that have many distinctive behaviors. Starting from acting funny, unique and behavior that sometimes makes us as owners confused. This behavior sometimes makes us forced to look for references from many sources to find out the intent of the behavior.


Why Do Male Cats Meow Loudly


One of the cat behavior that makes us wonder is that the cat meows very loudly. Not only meowing at certain times, but male cats will meow loudly in the morning, afternoon, evening, night. Even the most disturbing is when the cat meows in the middle of the night.

Not infrequently a very loud cat meow will wake us up in the middle of the night and disrupt our sleep quality. Cats that meow loudly are not only female, often the ones who meow loudly are male cats.

This behavior also includes all cat breeds, be it Angora, Persian, Domestic, Mixed and other breed cats. So why do male cats meow so loudly ? Check out the explanation here.

7 Reasons Why Do Male Cats Meow Loudly

Male cats often meow loudly and big can be caused by many things. Common reasons why cats behave this way are as follows :

1. Thyroid Disease

A male cat who makes loud noises can be caused because he has thyroid disease. Thyroid disease can cause the cat's vocalizations to become louder.


2. Seeking Attention

This is usually done by male cats when he feels lonely and has no friends to play with. Meow cats with this condition usually only a few times and not in the near future.


3. Asking For Food

A hungry male cat will usually also meow with a rather strong sound when hungry. Cats will only meow when they feel they are hungry and want to eat cat food. And usually he will meow while following and stroking his body to our body or legs.


4. Greet Humans

Cats will also meow loudly when greeting their owners who have just returned home or greeting people they have just met at home. This cat greeting usually only meows a few times and he doesn't do it often.


5. Stressed Cats

Stressed cats can make cats meow more often. This happens when he feels pressured, afraid or loses the person or owners that he loves.


6. Moving To New House

Take a look at your cat when you move to new house. The cat will feel confused and the cat will meow loudly. Usually this will continue until the cat adapts to the new environment.

When moving house, don't let your cat out of the house, lock the cat in the house for 1 week until the cat is calm and doesn't meow often, then let him leave the house, but keep an eye on him when he's outside. Confining our cats is done to prevent cats from being lost when moving in new house.

Because the risk of losing a cat when you just move is very high if you don't do the above method based on Angora's experience.


7. Passionate Cat

When a cat wants to mate aka lust, it will usually meow loudly. The most common signs of a cat in lust are the cat often spraying ( peeing on the wall ) and often chasing the female cat.

Passionate cats will often meow, especially at night. He will meow loudly when he does not find a female around him. Based on the Angora's own experience, this is the main cause or the most frequent cause that makes male cats often meow with a loud and strong sound.


How Can We Know That A Male Cat Is In Heat ?

For those of you who have just kept a cat, this question may arise in your heart. To find out whether the cat that meows loudly is a male cat in lust or not. We can know this by paying attention to the following characteristics :

  • Cats are often spraying ( spraying a type of urine or like spraying urine carelessly )

  • Cats often meow

  • Meowing with a strong voice

  • The sound of a cat's meow is different from its usual meow

  • Often chases female cats

  • Frequently biting the nape of the female cat's neck ( usually this is done to have sex )

  • No appetite or lazy to eat

  • Hobby of wandering out of the house

  • More like fighting

  • Rarely come home


How To Make A Male Cat Become Silent ?

In order to make the male cat stop meowing or shut up, we must look at the main cause. Then we provide appropriate treatment according to the main cause. The main reason that most often makes male cats often meow loudly is that he is in heat.

The way to make a lust cat quiet is to give it a mating partner, namely a female cat. Another solution is to spay the cat. Because a barren cat will be calmer, quieter due to the loss of his testicles.


Is There Another Way To Make A Male Cat Lust Silent Besides The Method Above  ?

For other solutions, I don't think there is yet. If the cat is made full so that it becomes lazy and sleeps, it seems that it can't be done, because cats who are passionate about mating tend to be lazy to eat. It's also impossible to be anesthetized, because it's not humane to anesthetize a cat just because of a trivial matter.

It's a different story if the cat is seriously ill and needs surgery, then it deserves to be sedated. If you locked it in a cage, it will not stop the cat from meowing, the cat will actually become stressed.


How To Reduce Noise Due to Cat Meowing ?

The way to reduce noise caused by cats meowing constantly, especially at night, what I usually do is lock the cat in a place far from where we sleep, for example in the kitchen.

In the past, before cats were spayed, cats were usually locked up in the kitchen, which happened to have a door inside the house. If it's locked up in a warehouse, I don't think it should be done. About the impression as if we do not love pet cats. 

Unless it is locked up in a clean, neat and comfortable warehouse and the warehouse is not separated from the house. If it's a warehouse of this type, it's okay if you keep a cat in it, hehehe.

For those of you who have domestic cats, the way to keep cats from making noise at home, especially at night, can be done by removing the cat from the house. But before being removed, make sure your cat has been fed and watered enough.


What Are The Risks If Male Cats Are Not Mated ?

Male cats who are in heat are at risk of experiencing mental health in the form of stress. And even worse, cats are at risk for testicular cancer and prostate problems. If you don't want your cat to be stressed and sick, immediately find a partner for him so he can channel his biological needs and so he can breed.

Maybe that's all the discussion about why male cats meow loudly and constantly. If it's useful, don't forget to share it with your relatives or on your social media.

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