
9 Characteristic Of Sore Throat In Cats

Sore throat is a common disorder in cats. This disorder must have been experienced by all cats, be it race cats, mixed or local cats. If sore throat attacks a cat, then as owners, of course, we will try to give our best so that the cat is healthy.


Sore Throat In Cats


Because for our cat health is very important. No wonder when a cat has symptoms of sore throat, we will try to make sure that the cat is 100 percent really having sore throat. Then when the cat really has inflammation or swelling in the throat, as much as possible we will find ways to treat it.

Whether it's treatment with chemical drugs or with natural methods, we will try to do it.


Characteristics Of Sore Throat In Cats

Laryngitis or an inflamed throat in cats will affect the cat's larynx or vocal cords. Generally, people with sore throat are cats over the age of 10. However, it is not uncommon for young cats under 10 years of age to have this disorder.

To find out if a cat's throat is inflamed, you can know by looking at some of the characteristics below :

1. Cat's Breath Is Very Fast

The first characteristic of sore cat is the cat's breathing is very fast. Inflammation will interfere with the respiratory tract causing the cat to find it difficult to breathe. Cats will naturally take quick breaths to meet the amount of oxygen their lungs need to work.

When the cat is breathing fast, be careful because it could be that the cat's throat is inflamed or has laryngitis.


2. Every Time The Cat Breathes There Is A Noise

The second characteristic of cats with sore throat is that every time the cat breathes there is a noise. This sound was not like the sound of snoring while sleeping, it was more like the wind scraping something off. This sound is caused by swelling of the windpipe that affects adjacent airways.

The swollen part will slightly close the respiratory tract which makes the respiratory flow less smooth, causing a sound to arise when the cat is breathing. If your cat makes a noise every time he breathes and not while sleeping.

So immediately check the cat to the vet, because it could be a cat suffering from strep throat.


3. Lost Voice

When your cat's voice disappears, there is a possibility that this is a sign that your cat's neck is inflamed. This is characterized by a very small cat sound, the cat opens its mouth to meow but no sound comes out and the cat finds it difficult to make a sound.

The cause of voice loss in cats is caused by inflammation that interferes with the respiratory tract that regulates the vocal cords. As a result, the cat has difficulty making a sound or can't make a sound to meow at all.

When our cat suddenly loses his voice, the best course of action is to consult a veterinarian to find out if he has laryngitis or not and ask the best treatment is suitable for your pet.


4. Hoarse Voice

Hoarseness is another sign of a cat whose inner neck is inflamed. As explained above that swelling in the neck can affect the respiratory tract which is connected to the sound regulator. This also affects the type of sound that is generated, for example a cat's voice becomes hoarse.

Hoarseness is formed due to swelling that partially blocks the vocal cords and respiratory tract. As a result, the resulting sound becomes less clear and unstable.


5. Cough

Infection and swelling of the throat will make the inside throat feel itchy and sore. When the cat breathes, air will move past the inflamed area. When the air passes through the throat, it will feel itchy and often causes coughing. Infection and swelling will also make it difficult for the cat to eat.


6. Fever

Often when one cat's body is sick, the whole body will have a fever. This also applies to cats with laryngitis. A cat will have a fever when he has strep throat. But not all fevers are a sign of a cat suffering from laryngitis.

Because a cat can get a fever because it just rained, because the flu, because the weather is cold or because she is pregnant. To determine whether a cat who has a fever is due to a sore throat, it is necessary to have at least 4 other signs or symptoms that are present in a cat when a cat has a fever.

If there are no at least 4 characteristics in cats. So you can be sure that the fever that occurs in cats is a normal fever.


7. Don't Want To Eat

The next characteristic is that the cat will have difficulty eating or will not eat at all. Strep throat makes cats have no appetite and only drink. This is due to inflammation in the throat that makes the cat feel pain and soreness when swallowing food.

Due to pain when swallowing food, cats lose their desire to eat. This can be overcome by giving the cat wet food to make it easier for him to eat and so that food that passes through a swollen throat does not feel painful or sore.


8. Always Drink Only

Not wanting to eat and always just drinking is the eighth characteristic of a cat with strep throat. Pain and soreness when swallowing food makes cats lose their appetite. Cats will often drink or only drink water. Cats often drink to relieve the thirst in their throat and make them more energetic.


9. Smelly Breath

There are many things that can cause a cat to have very bad breath. One reason is laryngitis. This is caused by swelling, infection or sores in the cat's throat. As a result, the cat's mouth becomes smellier than before he was sick.


After Knowing The Characteristics Of Sore Throat, What Should We Do ?

If we already understand and are more familiar with the characteristics of strep throat in cats, the first step we need to do is to make sure that the cat is really suffering from strep throat. If not, the cat may have another disease. Double-check whether the cat is suffering from other diseases.

If it turns out that the cat really has strep throat, then the best advice for you is to immediately take the cat to the vet. So that the inflammatory condition does not get worse and the cat can recover quickly and return to being a cheerful and active cat as usual.

Thus the article about the characteristics or symptoms of inflammation in the cat's throat. If you find this article useful, then there is nothing wrong with sharing it with your relatives, other cat lovers and on your social media accounts.

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