
Is Cat Hair Dangerous According to Islam ?

Cats are animals that have existed even at the time of the king of the pharaohs. And also participate in the development of Islam in Arab countries. Cats are animals that are very much loved by the prophet Muhammad SAW. Prophet Muhammad's pet cat is named Muecca. So is cat hair dangerous according to Islam ?


Is Cat Hair Dangerous According to Islam


As good Muslims of course we will look for an answer to the question that doubts our hearts and whether it is against Islam. This needs to be done in order to maintain our faith and eliminate worries and doubts that could have come from the devil.


Is Cat Hair Dangerous According to Islam ?

Before discussing the question of whether cat hair is dangerous according to Islam, we should discuss the law of keeping cats in Islam.


The Law Of Keeping Cats in Islam

In Islam itself, there are many hadiths that explain the law of keeping these cute and funny animals.

Cats Are Clean Animal

Cats are not animals that are categorized as unclean animals. Cats are animals that like to clean themselves. This is supported by a hadith tirmizi which confirms this.

  • Cats are not unclean. He is an animal that is near you ( HR Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi )

  • Cats are like household adornments, they are not polluted ( HR Muslim )

  • The Messenger of Allah said: The cat is a creature whose body, sweat, leftover food and saliva are sacred. His saliva is holy and sterilizing. His life is cleaner than humans ( HR. Malik )

Based on the hadith above, it can be concluded that cats are not unclean animals. So when we have performed wudhu and accidentally touch the fur, body or even saliva or cat food leftovers, our wudhu is not invalidated.


No Torturing Cats

A hadith describes a woman who did not have time to feed her cat but the woman did not intend to let her cat go so that the cat could find food on its own. As a result, he was punished in the form of the torments of hell. This is as explained in the following hadith :

  • From Ibn Umar RA, Rasulullah SAW has said, "A woman is put into hell because of a cat which she tied and did not feed, let alone not allowed to eat small animals on the floor" ( Narrated by Bukhari )

Caring For A Rewarded Cat

In a hadith, the Prophet said that keeping animals including cats with no specific purpose and purpose and only as pets will bring rewards. With a note that the animals that we will keep are not animals that cause disease and can be kept at home because their bodies are not unclean. This is based on the following hadith:

  • In every one who has a wet heart ( animal ) there is a reward for doing good to Him, ( Narrated by Bukhari )

But that doesn't mean as Muslims we can't keep animals whose bodies are unclean like dogs, this is okay as long as they are kept outside the house and don't hinder us in worship.


The Privileges Of Keeping Cats

It is undeniable that keeping a cat provides its own happiness and privilege. Here are some of the perks of keeping a cat :

  • So the scales of goodness at the time of the apocalypse.

  • Practice empathetic behavior.

  • Included in charity

  • Protects from insect and rat bites.

  • Clean from viruses and bacteria.

  • Blessings on the Day of Judgment.

Dangers of Cat Hair According to Health Experts

One of the triggers of disease from cats is their fur that easily falls out. The reason is, there could be germs attached to the cat's fur due to him playing in a dirty area. Feathers that enter nose and feathers that enter the mouth and are swallowed.

If the fur is ingested by humans, it may be in the short term or if the fur is swallowed in small  quantities it will not cause digestive disorders, but if swallowed frequently it will cause digestive disorders in the human body.

Meanwhile, feathers that enter nose can cause respiratory problems in humans. Therefore, when we finish handling the cat, it is important for us to wash our hands so that germs, fur are not accidentally swallowed or enter the nose. And bathe the cat regularly to keep it clean.

And cat hair can also cause allergies for people who do have a special allergy to cat hair or the cat itself.



Keeping a cat in Islam is very permissible because it is explained in the hadith that the cat itself is a pure and clean animal. Even our own role model, the great prophet Muhammad SAW, keeps cats. Keeping your own cat will give its owner rewards and various privileges.

Is cat hair dangerous according to Islam ? Of course not as long as we keep our pet cats clean and wash our hands after touching them. This is to avoid ingesting the hair or entering our nose without us knowing it. There may also be rumors that cats will make their pet infertile, but this is a myth. 

So cat hair is not dangerous if we can take good care of ourselves and our cats. Thus the article Is Cat Fur Dangerous According to Islam?. May be useful.

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