
10 Ways To Train A Cat

Cats are adorable little animals. They have funny behavior and are classified as unique animals. However, many cats are often disobedient to their owners and misbehave such as littering, urinating, scratching motorbike seats or benches and various other bad behaviors.


How To Train A Cat To


Maybe for people who are used to keeping cats it will be easy for them to train a cat that they find on the street or they adopt from elsewhere. But for cat lovers who are still beginners, of course, they will be very confused about training the cat to be obedient to the owner.

Therefore, here Anggora will share tips or how to train cats to be obedient and smart.


How To Train A Cat

Here are some ways how to train cats to be obedient, smart and other based on my own experience.

1. Giving The Cat A Name

The first thing you need to do before training your cat is to give it a name. This needs to be done as a sign of your love for him and so that he understands that he is valuable in your eyes.

Maybe the writing just sounded trite or as if fantasy. But the fact is that cats are just like humans, they can feel pain, sadness, joy and even love. They can also understand which humans are good to them or bad just by hearing our voices and expressions.

This is supported by research by Galvan and Vonk from the University of Oakland in the City of Rochester. They saw different patterns of the 12 cats exposed to strangers. In this experiment they showed a positive attitude when dealing with people who were friendly and smiling and chose to stay away when dealing with people who had a high tone and a frown or angry face.

Naming is also needed to make it easier for us to call or give orders to cats.


2. Train Cats Since Childhood

Actually the best way to make a cat obedient, tame and smart is to train it when he is still small, around the age of 3 months. Because kitten are easier to remember things like commands or good habits than teenage or adult cats.

But that doesn't mean adult cats are difficult to train, it's just that training adult cats requires more patience and attention as well as extra gifts so that they obey and understand our words as owner.


3. Practice Peeing In The Sandbox ( Litter Box )

Providing a place to defecate for your cat so that it doesn't defecate is one way to train your cat to be smart. But not infrequently even though a litter box is available at home, cats still litter on mattresses, floor cloths and other places.

So to make cat doesn't do this bad thing, when the cat is getting ready to defecate, immediately pick it up and put it in the litter box. Do this repeatedly every time he will defecate carelessly. Gradually he will understand and start to pee in the right place, namely the litter box.

Angora's experience when lifting a cat is not infrequently its droppings on clothes and scattered on the floor. But in the end, after a month, the sweet one finally understood hehehe.

The level of difficulty in training a cat not to litter carelessly depends on the cat as well. There are those who only understand 2-3 days immediately, there are also those who need a month like my cat. The point is that their IQ is similar to humans.

And remember when a cat is defecating, don't throw it away or hit it because cats are animals that won't understand human language, let alone violent language, unless you master cat language.


4. Always Give Rewards When Training Cats

When you train a cat, don't forget to give it a gift. Suppose you want to train him to obey when his name is called or when you give instructions if he comes and answers your orders or calls then give him a gift.

The prize is in the form of cat food, if I used to give 5 cat food dry food. It's not that he's stingy, it's just that this is just a gift and so he doesn't get obese if he gives too much.

Oh yes, you can also apply this if you want to train your cat for other things, such as telling us to sleep near us or on our laps, massaging us and others. And in my opinion this method has proven to be effective .


5. Repeat Training Regularly

In order for a race or domestic cat to be more obedient and less aggressive, you need to continue to do training repeatedly and make sure to give him a reward when he answers your orders. Do this until you feel cat has understood your orders to him.


6. The Duration Of The Exercise Does Not Last Long

Now for the duration of the exercise itself, don't be too long, just about 5 to 10 minutes every day. Because the long duration will make the cat bored and lazy to follow your orders. And a long duration will take up your free time or your work time.


7. Feed Enough And Regularly

Feeding the cat regularly will make the cat healthy and fat. This will also make him love you and be happy to be noticed by you. Not only that, giving him enough and regularly will make him not a thieving cat.

Give a variety of foods such as natural food, wet food or dry food and other foods so that he does not get bored with the same food. If you are a economical person like me, then you can only give rice with a mixture of fish, but you can change the type of fish.

Oh yeah, don't often give native or race cats with salted fish and shrimp, because if you do it too often, it can cause the cat's hair to fall out and its body to itch. This is Angora's personal experience.


8. Form a Relationship With Your Cat

Cats will certainly not want to be obedient, tame and act smart in front of strangers, especially domestic cats. Therefore form a relationship with your cat. You can invite him to play, stroke his head and neck or chin and give him a toy. The point is you interact with the cat.

9. Carrying Cats When You Want To Bathe Cat

This one method is a way to train your cat not to be afraid and get used to being bathed. carry him in the opposite direction of the bath. This is so that he is not afraid and struggles when he is about to be put in the water and so that he gets used to it.

When the cat is comfortable and used to it, it will adapt and become less afraid of water and soap.


10. Giving Food By Hand

Every now and then try to give food straight from your hand and don't forget to pet its head when giving food. This method will make the cat more docile, obedient and also like you. The cat will feel he is cared for and also loved by his master.


Wow. it turns out that there are also many ways to train cats, how to train cats to be obedient, how to tame cats, or how to tame cats so they become obedient and smart.

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