
6 Reason Why Cat Pee On Us

As cat lovers, maybe we have experienced this, cat pee on clothes and when he finished peeing, he innocently and without feeling guilty went away from us who were annoyed and also disgusted after being peed. Maybe at first glance it occurred to our mind why a cat pees its master and it is sign of something ?


Why Cat Pee On Me, Here Is The Explanation


Cats are animals with a thousand temperaments that can entertain humans. But not infrequently he also irritates the owner by damaging the sofa, destroying flowers or destroying flower pots and defecating and urinating carelessly.

Unmitigated he can even poop or pee on his owners's clothes. Why do cats urinate on their masters clothes and what its mean ? Well to find out the answer you can see below.


Why Cat Pee On Me, Here Is The Explanation

There are many interpretations scattered in cyberspace or out there which about why cat pee on us means. However, not all of their interpretations are wrong, but not all of their interpretations regarding cat urination are correct.

The True Meaning Of Cat Pee On Us

To find out what is the sign in the cat's urine on us. Here Angora will explain why cats pee on us according to facts and based on Angora's own experience and opinion. Without further ado, see the full explanation below.

1. Cats Think You Are Theirs

The first meaning of a cat peeing on us is that the cat thinks its owner is its own. This is the same as when he is urinating on a wall or an area that the area is his territory. Cats will not hesitate to fight with other cats if they take what they think is theirs.

2. Cats Think Your Body Stinky

The meaning of the next sign in cat urine is that the cat thinks that your body stinky. This conclusion Angora took when I didn't shower all day long. Not because I'm lazy, but because I have work to do right away. And when I finished with my work I took the initiative to rest first by lying down before going to take a shower.

Well, that's when one of my cats peed my body. The reason maybe because my body stinky cause I haven't showered.

3. Cats Tell You To Take A Bath

As I explained above that when a cat thinks that our body smells too bad in its nose, it is highly likely that it will pee on its owner. Maybe the cat peeing on us is one way to tell the owner to take a shower immediately so that the owner's body doesn't smell in his nose

After being peed by your cat, take a shower so he doesn't mind your presence around him and he can be more spoiled with you.

4. Cats love you

Cat pee on us is also a sign that the cat really loves and cares for us. Cats think we are their own and do not want other cats to approach us. Cats also pee us because they want us not to smell bad and cat want us to rush to take a bath.

5. Cats are in heat

Cats pee on our clothes maybe because he is in heat. Usually a cat in heat will squirt a little water in the places it passes. When in heat the cat will also spray more and more carelessly and will meow more often. This cat does to tell other cats that he is ready to marry.

6. Signs He Will Go

When your cat pees on your clothes, don't get too angry and hit or even chase him away because that might be the last time you'll see him. Once when my cat who is a domestic cat peed in my pants and I got angry and threw him out of the house to punish him.

But the next day when my anger vanish then I looked for it but couldn't find it for days. When I found him, he was dead. There are also those cat who I kicked out of the house but have not returned until now.

Finally, after these two incidents, when the cat peed on me again, I was just angry and didn't have the heart to beat or throw him out of the house again. Basically, I'm tired.

Maybe that's all the discussion about why cat pee on me, based on my experience. Hopefully this article is useful for all cat lovers.

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