
What Cat Can Eat And Good For Cat

Like humans, cats also need good food that contains high nutrients for their health. For this reason, as owner, we need to control and supervise our cats so it can grow fat and healty


What Cat Can Eat


Cats are one of God's creatures that are very cute and are used by some people as pets. As an owner and as a cat lover, we should know some foods that are cat can eat. This is in order to maintain the health of the beloved  cat also to prevent them fall ill.

What Cat Can Eat And Good For Cat


1. Natural Food

There are many types of natural foods that you can give as food for cats. These foods are low in fat and rich in nutrients :


Fish is a food that is rich in protein and omega 3, has low saturated fat and has vitamins and minerals that are good for cats. Before giving the fish to the cat, the fish should be boiled or steamed until it is cooked.

We do this to make bad bacteria and germs in fish are lost and prevent digestive diseases and intestinal worms in cats, especially pregnant cats.

Chicken meat

Like fish, chicken is also a high source of protein, rich in vitamins and minerals and contains anti-cancer compounds. You can give chicken meat cooked and without a mixture of spices as food for cat.

Chicken eggs

Chicken eggs contain protein and vitamins such as vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and the mineral zinc in sufficient quantities. The various ingredients in it are certainly very good for the health of cats.


2. Dry Food

It must be admitted that dry food is a type of cat food that has a myriad of advantages. Not only low in water, but also practical to store and comes in various brands. One of the good cat dry food brands is Royal Canin which focuses on health food.

There is much variant from dry food auch as dry food for hairball, dry food for pregnant cat, dry food for kitten, dry food for sterilized cat, dry food for old cat and etc. You can find and choose the product that fit with your need. You can find easily and buy wet food in minimarket or nearby petshop in your city.


3. Wet Food ( WET Food )

Wet food is an easy eatable food for a cat especially kitten. This food is suitable type of food as an introduction for kittens who are starting to wean. Wet food is also available for adult cats. Before buying, check first whether the wet food is suitable for the age of our cat. Similar with dry food, you can buy wet food in minimarket or nearby petshop

From the explanation above, you may now know what cat can eat and good for our cat. Thus the article What Cat Can Eat And Good For Cat. Hope it is useful.

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