
How To Tell The Gender Of A Cat

How to tell the difference between a cat and a female is actually really easy for us to do. Especially if we are an experienced cat lover then this will be much easier. To distinguish whether a cat is male or female, it is only enough to look at the type of reproduction or gender.


How To Tell The Gender Of A Cat

In addition, to being able to distinguish between male and female cats through reproduction or their genitals, we can also differentiate between male and female cats through their behavior patterns. For adult cats, distinguishing whether the cat is male or female can be said to be easier than distinguishing male and female cats when a cat is born or when a kitten is under 2 months of age.


How To Tell The Gender Of A Cat

But do not be afraid because there are several ways that can be tried to distinguish whether the cat is male or female. One way to distinguish male or female cats can be done by observing the type of reproductive organs.

The first way to distinguish male and female cats is to look at the cat's genitals which are located under the tail. If a cat has 2 eggs and when he licks his genitals it looks like a worm-like protrusion then the cat is a male and for a female he usually does not have 2 eggs and there is a vagina.


How To Tell The Difference Between A Male And A Female Through Their Nature And Behavior

Distinguishing between male and female cats can not only be done by looking at their genitals or reproductive organs. You can also see the difference between male and female cats just by looking at their nature and behavior. To find out the characteristics and behavior between male and female cats, you can see below :

Male cat

For male cats themselves, the main trait is active and for some other traits and behaviors that only male cats have are as follows :

Active and Very wild

Male cats that have not been neutered tend to have the will to always roam or do not like to stay indoors.


Like Spraying Or Peeing Carelessly On The Wall

Male cats have bad traits such as spraying, namely they like to spray their urine carelessly. Especially in the marriage season or when the heat is high, the spraying will be more active.


Fighting hobby

Male cats have a hobby of fighting with fellow males or other male cats who are thought to be rivals or enter their territory.


On the other hand, when the male cat has been neutered, it becomes calmer, rarely wanders and prefers to stay in the house of its owner more often. Spraying or urinating indiscriminately has also become rare.

Sterilized male cats also become more peace-loving and don't like fighting with other males, are closer to other male cats and easily accept their new master or companion cat.


Female cat

For female cats themselves, the main characteristics are spoiled, friendly and for some other traits and behaviors that only female cats have are as follows :

Not Wild

Female cats usually prefer to stay at home and rarely wander out of the house. Even if he was out of the house maybe only half or an hour. This is very different from male cats who are used to being out of the house for up to half a day and even few days.


Likes To Be Petted

Female cats are usually very fond of being petted by humans. When a female cat is petted by a human, the female cat will get closer to us and rub her head repeatedly against our body or hands. It's as if he's asking us to keep stroking him and don't stop just yet.


Very Spoiled And Close To Humans

Female cats have a spoiled attitude and love to be around humans. This attitude is often shown when people he cares about or his employer is around him. The female cat will approach her master and then sleep near her or on her lap and be spoiled.

In female cats that have not been neutered, vocals or voices are louder, love being petted, spraying to mark their territory, and fighting with other females that are thought to be disturbing their area.


On the other hand, a female cat that has gone through the sterilization process will have a softer vocal tone, don't like being stroked by her owner and stay away. The female cat will also be motherly and not childish.

Not only that, female cats that have been sterilized tend to dominate a certain place and are reluctant to share their place with other cats, especially with other female cats. Female cats also appear to be more independent than male cats.



The most striking difference between male and female cats is the cat's reproductive organs. I myself used to distinguish or distinguish male and female cats by only seeing whether the cat has 2 eggs or not. If he has, the cat is a male while if he doesn't, the cat is a female.

Apart from reproduction, we can see the nature and behavior of cats. Male cats tend to prefer to roam outdoors and engage in fighting, while female cats prefer to be at home, spoiled and very close to humans.

Maybe that's all I can say in the article on how to tell the gender of a cats. Hopefully this article is useful for you.

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