
13 Fun Fact About Cat That You Need To Know

Are you a cat lover ? Cats are one of the favorite pets of animal lovers. This is not surprising because this furry animal has a cute and adorable face. Even some people believe that cats are one of the animals that can relieve stress or reduce tension after doing work. If you pay attention, cats tend to like to be lazy as well as lay people who follow a passive lifestyle.


Fun Fact About Cat That You Need To Know


Uniquely, there is fun fact makes it even more interesting to maintain. This four-legged animal with a distinctive meow voice is known for its loyalty and intelligence. Cats are small predatory carnivorous animals with the Latin name Felis silvestris catus.


12 Fun Fact About Cat That You Need To Know

Cats as crepuscular mammals eat almost nothing that contains plants because they are able to hunt and kill animals, such as rabbits, birds, frogs, lizards, fish, and insects. To get their food, the cat as a skilled predator is known to be able to hunt more than 1,000 animal species.

There are several types of cats that are kept by animal lovers, namely domestic cats, domestic cats, and race cats. Race cats are animals whose lineages are officially recorded, such as Angora, Siamese, Persian, Manx, Sphynx, Bengal, and Mainecoon.

This time, will discuss fun facts about cats that you need to know. Check out the following review.

1. Cat Can't Taste Sweet

Surprising, right? It turns out that cats are mammals that cannot recognize sweet taste. Even though every mammal has a gene that can accept sweet taste.

Usually mammals have receptors at the tip of taste cells called T1R2 and T1R3 to taste sweet. However, these taste cells do not function properly in cats. Well, that's the reason why cats as mammals can't taste sweet.

2. Cat Spends 70% of His Life Sleeping

Cats are often referred as lazy pets. You must have seen him sleeping more than playing, righ t? Yes, cats can actually spend only 15-20 hours of sleep per day.

Wow, that's a long time, huh. Why do cats spend 70% of their lives just sleeping ? Cats as small predatory animals that live among humans need more energy to hunt. Sleep is one way for cats to store energy.

3. Cat Has 95.6% Genes Same as Tiger

Cats who like to sniff, stalk, and pounce on their prey have a 95.6% gene for tigers. This makes the behavior of cats more or less the same as tigers.

4. Cat Ears Can Rotate 180°

Has ever seen a cat twist its ear? This pet has the ability to rotate its ears up to 180°, you know cats have 32 muscle tissue that can control their ears. With that much muscle, cats are able to move their ears without turning to the source of the sound they hear.

5. Cat Can Feel Human Emotions

Ever approached by a cat when sad ? Believe it or not, adult cats can feel human emotions especially their owners. This furry animal can understand human emotions, such as sad, happy, and angry.

6. Cat Has a Snoring Sound to Relieve Stress and Strengthen Bones

If your pet cat purrs, don't stop it. A study revealed that a cat's purr is in a constant frequency, namely 25 and 150 hertz. The sound of snoring is believed to help relieve stress and strengthen human bones.

In addition, cat purring can also help relieve dyspnea or shortness of breath suffered by children. You can prove this fact if your child doesn't have an allergy to cat fur, right?


7. Cat Cultivation Happened About 9,000 Years Ago

It should be noted that cat cultivation took place 9,000 years ago. Cat genes have continued to change from wild jungle cats to smaller domestic cats for thousands of years. Reporting from National Geographic, there is a study that says that around 4,400 BC, the ancestors of modern cats had spread from Southwest Asia to the plains of Europe.

8. Cat Is Solitary Or Independent Animals

In the real world or in movies, you may often see cats hanging out with their flocks. However, this one furry animal can also live independently. Cats need intelligence in the wild to live independently.

This intelligence can help him survive, fight, hunt, and enjoy his world. So no need to be surprised if you see your pet cat likes to be alone. Keep in mind, this trait is not absolute because there are many domestic cats who like to live in groups.


9. Cat Whiskers Are Navigation Tools

In addition to relying on night vision, cats also use their whiskers as a navigation aid when in dark or low light areas. In conditions that are quite dark and narrow, cats can catch their prey deftly.

Cats use their whiskers as sensors to maneuver. Cats have poor eyesight during the day. Well, the whisker can be used as a sensor to measure distance or movement during the day. As a sensor or navigational tool, cat whiskers should not be cut or removed.

10. Cats Can Sweat

When in the sun, humans tend to sweat because of the heat. But what about animals like cats ? Just like humans, it turns out that cats can sweat too.

Keep in mind, cats have sweat glands on the underside of their paw pads. This is what makes this mustachioed animal sweat through its claws only. You can notice a cat's paws and paws are wet with sweat when the temperature is hot.

11. Cat Able To Jump As Far As 6 Times The Length Of The Body

It turns out that a cat in good health is able to jump as far as 6 times its body length. For example, your pet cat is 65 centimeters long. Well, that means he can jump as far as 390 centimeters.


12. Licking The Body To Get Rid of Dirt And Parasites

You must have often seen cats licking his body parts, right ? This is not done without reason. Cats as animals that have funny faces that lick their bodies to clean dirt and parasites.

In addition, licking the body can also help remove dead skin cells. The cat's intelligence to lick its body has been passed down from generation to generation through evolution. Since millions of years ago, knowledge of the benefits of cat's tongue has been genetically implanted.


13. Have Very Good Body Balance

You have often seen cats walking on the edge of the wall or on the roof without falling, right ? Yes, that is one of the advantages of cats in controlling their bodies. Cats have the ability to balance the body very well than other mammals.

This four-legged animal has a flexible spine supported by very high intelligence. Cats have brains that can work quickly and responsively to balance their bodies at heights.

That is all fun fact about cat that you need to know. Thus the article , hope it is useful.

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