
Why Cats Always Look Up ? Here Is The Eplanation !

Who doesn't know cats. This one animal is an animal that we know with its cuteness and adorable behavior. One of these adorable behaviors is that the cat sometimes looks up seriously.


Why Cats Always Look Up

For some cat owners, this behavior might be adorable, strange and also make the owner wonder what causes cats to ignore us and keep looking up.

So, for those of you who are curious about this cat's behavior and want to know why cats do this, please read Anggora's article below to find out the answer.


Why Cats Always Look Up ?

There is a few reason why cat always look up. The reason is :

1. Hunting Instinct

Cats are natural predators, and while your pet cat may not need to forage for food on its own, it still has a hunting instinct. When cats look up, they may be observing the movement of birds, insects or even objects moving above their heads

 This upward gaze is a reflection of the strong hunter instinct that cats possess, even though our home environment is very different from their natural habitat.


2. Curiosity

Cats are known for their high curiosity. They are interested in anything that is new, strange or interesting to them. When cats look up, they may be trying to make sense of what's above them, whether it's a sound they hear, a moving shadow, or an object that caught their attention.

This is one way for cats to explore the world around them and satisfy their curiosity.


3. Environmental Observation

Cats are creatures that are very sensitive to changes in their surroundings. Looking up allows them to have a wider view and monitor all the activity going on around them. Within the home, this could mean observing the owner walking on the table, the movement of objects falling from the top of cupboards, or even sounds from outside the home such as birds or other animals. Cats use their sense of sight to gather information about the world around them and feel safe in knowing what's going on above their heads


4. Communication And Social Interaction

Cats also use body language and facial expressions to communicate with us and with other cats. When a cat looks up, it can be a social signal to us or other cats. They may try to get our attention or indicate that they are ready to play or interact. So this upward looking behavior can be considered one of the more subtle forms of cat communication.


That was reason why cat always look up. Maybe that's all the discussion about the reason why cats keep looking up. Hopefully this article is useful for you.

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