
6 Reasons Why Kittens Don't Want To Eat Dryfood

Every living creature is obliged to eat for the sake of their own survival and cats are one of the living things that must eat in order to stay alive. Although eating is a must for cats, there may be times when a cat just doesn't want to eat.


Reasons Why Kittens Don't Want To Eat Dryfood

Cats or kittens will not want to eat even though we have provided food such as dry food which cats like. The cat will only see food then the cat will leave it.

Seeing this, of course, in our hearts, who are cat owners, will wonder why cats don't want to eat the dry food we give them ? What makes cats like this ?

For those of you who want to know the answer, Anggora friends can find out by reading the article below.


6 Reasons Why Kittens Don't Want To Eat Dryfood

When our beloved kitten refuses to eat, it is mandatory for us to find out what makes the kitten not want to eat. This is important for us to do so that we know the cause and also so that the kitten doesn't get sick.

Based on Anggora's own experience, there are several things that are the main cause why kittens don't want to eat dry food. Some of the causes are :

1. Cats Still Feel Full

Don't be negative just yet, your kitten who doesn't want to eat dry food might just because cat still full. That's why when you offer the food to him cat just ignores it and doesn't care about the food at all.

Wait a while, about an hour or two and then try offering the dry food to your kitten again. If he wants to eat it, we can conclude that previously the cat was still full.

If the cat still doesn't want to eat it, maybe there are other causes that make the cat don't want to eat it, such as cat dry food that can't be eaten anymore.


2. The Food You Give Can No Longer Be Eaten

Try to check the food you give first. Check whether the dry food you are giving is still good or not. If after checking and it turns out that the dry food is damaged or expired, maybe this is the reason the kitten doesn't want to eat.

When cat food is spoiled, there will be changes that occur in the food. Food may taste bitter, sour, odorless or even smell very unpleasant to be feel by a kitten.

This is why kittens are lazy to eat, they don't want to eat because they think the food we serve them is not worth eating.


3. Cats Don't Like The Dry Food You Give Them

The third cause is that the cat most likely doesn't like the cat food you give. Like humans, some cats only like certain foods. Cats will not want to eat the food we give them if they don't like it even though the food is expensive food.

When the kitten doesn't want to eat the dry food you give, try giving the cat dry food with another brand or flavor variant. If the cat wants to eat another dry food, then you can be sure that the cat doesn't like the dry food you first gave it.


4. The Smell Of Dry Food Changes

The next cause is that the smell of dry food has changed so that kittens are not interested in eating it. The smell of food may no longer smell good or the smell of food may have turned foul. Changes in food odors often occur in foods whose packaging is not tightly closed.

In addition, this also often happens to food that is damaged or expired. Once upon a time, when Anggora fed cats dry food, they didn't want to eat the dry food at all. After the dry food is replaced with a new one, then they want to eat.

Even though the dry food is both from the same brand and with the same flavor variants, they prefer the new one over the old one. After being checked, it turned out that the old food was no longer fragrant.

From this, Anggora could conclude that the smell of food also affects the cat's appetite for dry food.


5. Cats Like To Pick Food

This may sound ridiculous to some who read it but in fact it is the truth. Some cats like to be picky about the food they want to eat. If the cat doesn't like the food, it won't eat it.


6. The Cat Is Sick

Kittens won't want to eat when they are sick. This will make the cat refuse any food that we give it, including dry food. This was caused by the disease he suffered which made the cat lose its appetite. Loss of appetite in sick cats is generally caused by :

  • Body aches

  • Body feels bad

  • Stomach ache

  • The sense of smell is disturbed

  • And others


Then How To Make Kitten Want To Eat Dry Food Again ?

After knowing what causes cats not wanting to eat dry food, then what we have to do next is find a solution that suits our cat. You can use the following methods so that your kitten wants to eat dry food again :

  • Try giving your cat meals at main meals, for example, in the morning, during the day or at night

  • Give the cat dry food that he likes

  • Replace cat food with another brand or flavor variant

  • Give the cat food that is still new

  • Treat the cat so that he recovers and returns to his appetite


Maybe that's all the discussion about some of the causes of kittens not wanting to eat dry food and how to overcome them. Hopefully this article is useful for you.

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