
8 Easy Ways To Overcome Cats Can't Meow

Many of us cat owners may enjoy listening to the sound of a cat meowing. That's why when a cat never meows at all, of course we will feel that something strange is happening to the cat.


Cat That Can't Meow Anymore

If a cat doesn't meow for just a few hours or a few moments then this is still normal for cats to happen and if a cat rarely meows but looks happy and healthy, maybe this is just a unique cat trait.

But if the cat never meows at all in a day or in a few days, surely something is wrong with the cat. Especially if the cat that can't meow looks depressed and lethargic.

If this happened to our beloved fur pal, it would make us very worried and looking for ways to get the cat to meow and cheer up again. Now for Good Owners who have cats that can't meow and want to overcome them.

You can see how to deal with it in Anggora's article below. Read slowly to the end of the article.


8 Ways To Overcome Cats Can't Meow

Cat meow is one of its own uniqueness in cats. Therefore, when a cat stops meowing, it is as if something is missing in the cat itself and makes us as owners think that the cat may be having certain problems.

And this will also make us as owners as soon as possible try to solve this problem of cats unable to meow. So, to fix this, you can apply the following methods :

1. Give Cat Food According To Its Age

It turns out that food also has an effect on cat sounds. For example, you give your cat that is still a kitten special cat food for adult cats, which has a very different texture when compared to special kitten cat food.

Giving cat food that is not appropriate and not according to its age can make cats have problems with their voice. The cat's voice will be hoarse so that when it meows the sound is not clear.

That's why the first way to deal with a cat that can't meow is to give it the right cat food, namely cat food that is suitable for its current age.

This is to prevent the cat's vocal cords from being damaged and then infected which will make the cat hoarse, unable to meow and feel pain.


2. Let The Cat Rest

The second way to deal with a cat that can't meow is to let it rest. This method is quite effective for cats who can't meow due to mild throat problems. By letting the cat rest well, usually a cat that was unable to meow will return to normal as usual.


3. Not Doing Any Medication Against Cats

Don't do any medication for cats that can't meow, because if you give the wrong medicine to the cat, instead of getting better, the cat's health condition will get worse.

Give drug carelessly often occurs in cat lovers who only give drugs based on other people's experiences. Even though in fact it could be that the problems experienced by your pet cat are different from those experienced by other cats.

So that the medicine you give to the cat has no benefit at all or even endangers its health.


4. Examine The Inside Of The Cat's Mouth

Try to check the inside of your pet cat's mouth, usually there is a problem in the cat's mouth that makes the cat lazy to meow and even has no appetite. This problem is usually caused by cats suffering from certain diseases such as cancer sores, gingivitis, inflammation of the mouth and the like.

Not only because of disease, sometimes thorns that get stuck in the gums, in the upper mouth or in the teeth can be the main cause of cats not wanting to meow. Cats that have mouth problems and with spines or bones usually show the following signs :

  • Cats often salivate

  • Cats are always holding or scratching their mouths

  • Cats sometimes cough

  • Cats are lazy or don't want to meow all day


If you find some of the characteristics above, it is likely that the cat has problems with the inside of its mouth.


5. Find Out What Are The Reasons Why Cats Can't Meow

After examining the inside of the mouth and then you don't see a problem there, the next thing you can do is find out other causes that might be the main cause that makes cats unable to meow. Find out if the cat has strep throat, damaged vocal cords or the like.

To find out if a cat has problems with his throat, you can find out by looking at some of the signs shown by cats, such as :

  • The cat has become quieter

  • The cat looks limp

  • Cat loses appetite

  • Cats only want to eat when served wet food

  • Cats are sleeping more often and not as active as usual

  • Cats rarely meow or never meow again


6. Take The Cat To The Vet

After you know why the cat can't meow and it turns out that the cause is something that you can't handle independently at home, then all you can do is take the cat for treatment to the nearest vet.

Diseases such as strep throat, cats swallow foreign objects and get stuck in the throat, damage to the cat's vocal cords and other similar problems that we cannot overcome alone at home.

We also shouldn't just let it go without medical action because later it can be fatal for cats such as cats losing their voices permanently or can cause death for cats.

That's why when we feel that we cannot handle this problem on our own then we should seek help from a veterinarian.


7. Perform Surgery When Necessary

If a cat can't meow is due to a serious problem such as paralysis of the laryngeal area, then surgery can only be done to overcome it. This surgery certainly requires an expert such as a veterinarian to do it.

For the sake of our cat's recovery and so that he can meow normally again, we have to let the doctor do the surgery.


8. Cleaning The Cat Cage

This last method can be said to be a preventive measure after the cat's recovery. After the cat can meow again, always keep the cage clean or the place where the cat is often stay.

Be diligent in cleaning cat cages to prevent cats from being unable to meow again due to illness due to bacterial or virus infections.


Those are some easy ways to deal with cats that can't meow or make sounds. Hopefully this article can help you answer your questions on this matter. As well as add insight and can be useful for you.

Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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