
What Foods That Can't Be Eaten By Domestic Cats !

Domestic cats have a physical form that is almost similar to cats in general, but when compared to purebred cats, the bodies and faces of these cats tend to be longer. Domestic cats also have hair that can be said to be quite short.


What Foods That Can't Be Eaten By Domestic Cats

Even though the cat's physique and fur are not as good as other cats, this cat is able to attract some people to make them pets. When domestic cats are kept as pets, the cat's food needs must be met. But we shouldn't just give cats food. We need to know what domestic cats should not eat.


What Foods That Can't Be Eaten By Domestic Cats !

Domestic cats or local cats are loyal friends that we often meet in our surroundings. Caring for domestic cats requires special attention, especially in terms of nutrition and the food they consume.

As a domestic cat owner, it's important to know what foods are safe and what to avoid to keep cats healthy and happy. In this article, we will discuss some foods that should not be given to domestic cats.


1. High Fat Foods

Foods with high fat content such as fatty meats, butter and cooking oil should be avoided. Domestic cats tend to be more prone to obesity and related health problems such as diabetes. High-fat foods can cause cats to be overweight and have a detrimental effect on their health.

We recommend that you choose cat food that is low in fat and rich in nutrients.


2. Human Food

Some people may feel like giving their domestic cats the food they eat. However, some commonly consumed human foods are not safe for cats. Examples are chocolate, onions, garlic, and grapes.

Chocolate contains toxic substances that can be harmful to a cat's nervous system, while onions and garlic can damage their red blood cells. Wine can also cause poisoning in cats. Therefore, it is important not to give human food to our domestic cats.


3. Seasoned And Spiced Foods

Foods that have a lot of herbs or spices such as hot spices, onions or garlic in large quantities should be avoided. Hot flavors and certain spices can not only irritate a cat's digestive system, but can also damage their internal organs.

Cat food should be served without condiments or spices that are harmful to cats.


4. Bones And Spiny Fish

While cats are known to be fish-loving animals, not all fish are safe to eat. Spiny fish such as mackerel or fish with small bones should be avoided. Fish bones can injure a cat's mouth, throat or digestive tract. It is best to give fish that has been well processed and free of bones.


5. Cow's Milk

The last one is cow's milk. Indeed, this cannot be included in the category of food for domestic cats and is part of something that cats are not allowed to drink. But there's nothing wrong with Anggora reminding this again here considering that there are still many people who still like to give their domestic cats a drink of cow's milk.

Cow's milk should not be given to cats because most adult cats have an intolerance to the lactose contained in cow's milk. Cats that drink cow's milk can suffer from diarrhea and vomiting.



In caring for domestic cats, it is important to provide food according to their nutritional needs. Some foods that are generally safe for humans turn out to be unsuitable or even dangerous for domestic cats.

Avoiding high-fat foods, potentially toxic human foods, seasoned foods and spices, bones and spiny fish, and cow's milk can help maintain the health and well-being of our domestic cats. If in doubt about what is safe to feed a domestic cat, always consult a veterinarian for the right advice. By providing the right food, we can ensure that our domestic cats stay healthy and happy.

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