
How To Treat Calicivirus In Cats Naturally ? Here Is The Answer !

Feline calicivirus (FCV) is a virus that is common in the cat population. This virus usually attacks the external nose, gums and causes diseases such as thrush.


How To Treat Calicivirus In Cats Naturally
Ilustration How To Treat Calicivirus In Cats Naturally


When a cat is infected with the calici virus ( FCV ) usually the cat will have early symptoms such as runny nose, gingivitis and cancer sores. This virus is a type of virus that can survive outdoors and is very difficult to eliminate.

How To Treat Calici Virus In Cats Naturally

Before discussing how to treat the calici virus naturally, it would not hurt us to discuss a little about the calici virus in cats to just add to our knowledge. Check out an explanation of this virus here.


Calici Virus Similarities With Herves Virus

Herves virus ( FHV ) affects the eyes in the form of conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers and causes nasal discharge. These two viruses are completely different but are often confused with each other because they often appear in "feline coryza", which is a syndrome with symptoms of eye infections, nasal discharge, mouth inflammation and ulcers.


Are There Any Side Effects For Cats With Calici Virus ?

This virus will cause a very dominant disorder for cats, especially kittens by eliminating the cat's appetite. The loss of appetite for cats is because the calici virus often attacks the nose and mouth. As a result the cat will lose the ability to smell food and make pain in the mouth when chewing or swallowing food which causes the cat lost its appetite.


Causes Cats Can Be Infected With Calici Virus ?

Cats may become infected while they are in a pet shop or shelter. According to research, the calici virus has a high transmission rate in places with large cat populations. Examples of places with large cat populations include pet shops, day care centers and catteries, where 20% to 40% of cats can be infected with this virus.

This virus is spread through direct contact with saliva, nose mucus, cat eye droppings and through aerosol droplets that are spread when a cat sneezes. Research has also shown that the virus is also present in urine, faeces and blood.

Usually cats will spread the virus after contracting the calici virus for 2 weeks. But there are also cats that are able to spread the virus for more than a month or even few months. The calici virus is a type of virus that can survive on surfaces for up to a month in certain environments.

Therefore, when we care for a cat infected with the calici virus, it is important for us to wash our hands to stop the spread to other cats and to protect our own health.


Certain Stages In Calici Virus Infection

In the first 14 days the virus infects the back lining of the mouth. Then in the cat's mouth, the virus will carry out the replication process. And then spread in the bloodstream and other organs. Most cats who infected by this virus will experience infection in the respiratory tract and the worst possibility is that the virus can spread into the lungs and cause pneumonia.


Early Symptoms Of Calici Virus Infection

Generally, cats will experience flu-like symptoms, sneezing, nose congestion, fever and occasional drooling. The eyes excrete a lot of dirt like a cat with worms and the nose also experiences the same thing.

If the calici virus infection gets worse, irritation and ulcers can occur on the surface of the tongue. Cats will also lose their appetite and tend to sleep constantly. In severe cases of infection the cat will develop a high fever, swelling of the head and feet, hair loss in areas where the virus is usually infected, yellowing of the mouth and ears due to liver damage, and bleeding in the pores, skin and digestive tract.


How Do Veterinarians Check For Calici Virus ?

The vet will examine the cat for signs and symptoms. In most cases, doctors do not need to make a specific diagnosis because the infection can be treated with supportive treatment. However, if an inflamed cat is placed with other cats, the vet will take swabs from the eyes, nose and mouth. And the sample will be sent to a laboratory to test for the type and presence of the virus.


Is There Any Way To Treat Calici Virus In Cats Naturally ?

You can try giving your cat coconut water to treat this virus. Because some cat-loving bloggers have told me that after a month of consuming coconut water, their cat's condition began to improve and made a full recovery.

Give 5-6 tablespoons of coconut water 2 times a day. You can use a syring to make it easier for the cat to drink coconut water. During the treatment phase, give the cat food that can be swallowed easily without hurting his mouth, such as wet food and must smell very fragrant.

Don't forget to diligently clean the cat's mouth and nose from mucus or liquid and clean other injured parts. Maybe this way the cat will recover soon but if the cat's condition gets worse and does not improve then you should immediately take it to the nearest vet for immediate treatment.

If you have doubts about treatment using coconut water, then you can try buying calici medicine at the nearest pet shop or buying it online.

Thus the article on how to treat the calici virus in cats naturally. Hope your cat gets well soon.

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